2023 91 Songs
A guys drives down a dirt road, when his radio starts going out, then his truck is nearly hit by a meteorite, which turns out to be Cas.
Crowley finds Lucifer's vessel dead at a crime scene; Dean and Mary head for Missouri; Sam awaken as Toni watches him on a video monitor.
Mary and Sam hug; Dean flips through family photos; Mary looks at John's journal.
Mary turns up the stereo as her, Dean and Sam head out on a family hunting trip.
A guy listens to music while unloading a grocery truck when he's suddenly attacked.
Magda tearfully sings while lying on the basement floor.
Sam awakens to hear Magda singing.
The guys call Aaron to asks about the activity of the Thule.
Jaap van Zweden & Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra
Flashback to 1945 Berlin - Commandant Nauhaus informs Hitler how he can be saved.
Christoph joins the guys at the diner and agrees to show them Ellie's location, if they'll protect him.
Commandant Nauhaus has Ellie readied to be inhabited by Hitler; continues as Ellie awakens and Nauhaus tells her what part she'll play in the plan; Hitler resurrected.
1980 - Asa hangs up the picture he took of Mary; montage of Asa becoming a Hunter through the years.
Jody and the guys drive to Manitoba for Asa Fox's funeral; a bunch of Hunters drink in the Fox house; Jody is greeted by Asa's mom.
Bucky tells a story about Asa as Sam and Dean rejoin the group; one of the Hunters is killed.
Cas phone the guys to alert them to a story about Vince Vincente; Sam plays the video about Vince, then Crowley takes the phone and says he'll meet them in L.A.
As they drive to L.A., Dean discovers that Sam is listening to Ladyheart's new song, then Sam refuses to turn it off; [0:42] Vince starts playing the new Ladyheart song and heads out on stage to prevent the fans from leaving.
Sam enjoys some 'vegetable water' as Cas joins him and Dean.
Preparations are made for Ladyheart's concert; Tommy sends Cas a text that the concert is at Club Meteor.
Cas receives Tommy's text.
Fans enter Club Meteor and gather around the stage; Tommy worries as the other band members get pumped for the show; Vince kills the other guys, then tells Tommy he's going solo just as Cas and Crowley arrive.
Dean, Sam and Cas' standoff with the Secret Service is interrupted by Arthur Ketch's arrival.
Mick Davies starts typing up his report on trying to make contact with American Hunters.
Castiel attempts to convince Crowley to help Dean and Sam.
Mary and Castiel meet to discuss Sam and Dean's situation.
1210 'Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets' promo.
No songs available for this episode.
Dean and Sam track down the woman who slapped Dean to find out what he did the previous night.
Dean and Sam review the video surveillance from the bar; Sam finds a witch-killing bullet casing in the alley behind the bar.
Catriona sings while torturing Rowena.
Sam and Dean drive off; flashback to Dean riding Larry the mechanical bull; Dean montage.
5:20 pm - Dean, Sam, Cas, Mary & Wally order lunch at a diner.
Dean asks their waitress, Mandy, when she gets off work; flash forward to the group taking on the demon.
Dean, Sam, Mary, Cas and Wally do a dramatic slow walk.
The fishing demon whistles as he arrives at the house where the hunters are waiting for him; [0:36] repeats as Crowley confronts Ramiel.
Mother Mary - 10:07 AM - Wally and Mary observe a demon working in his yard; Mary tells Wally about working with the British Men of Letters.
Six Years Ago - Mr. Crowley - Crowley informs Ramiel he is next in line for the King of Hell, but he refuses the position and tells Crowley to take it.
Crowley contemplates Rowena's revelation; Dean and Sam try to absorb Mary's news; Lucifer whispers 'Dagon'.
1214 'The Raid' promo.
No songs available for this episode.
Coeur d'Alene, ID - Cas heads into a diner and asks to speak with a manager.
Sheridan County, NE - Crowley starts singing as he and Dean wander through the woods looking for hellhound Ramsey.
Hayden exits The Lucky Badger bar while texting and is confronted by her brother for lying about where she was.
Dean, Sam, Claire and Mick catch up on the case at the Wild Elk Lodge; Mick heads to bed; the guys offer Claire a meal on Mick's tab.
Dean and Mick question Conner at The Lucky Badger.
Claire listens to music while walking along a road, then is attacked by the werewolf.
Claire drives off after leaving a message for Jody.
No songs available for this episode.
Tomahawk, WI - A group of teeens hang out around a campfire; Jarrod walks off into the woods and is caught in a trap; Daryn follows and sees Jarrod attacked by a horned monster.
At a diner, Sam fills Dean in on the legend of Black Bill.
Dean says goodbye to the waitress and joins Sam at the diner, where they discuss satyrs.
Dean munches on a burger at the diner as Sam arrives and questions how he can eat after their visit to the meat processing plant.
No songs available for this episode.
The guys join Alicia, Max and Tasha for a drink; Sam volunteers to go pick up dinner.
Max makes a deal to bring Alicia back to life, then burns his mom's body.
1221 'There's Something About Mary' promo.
No songs available for this episode.
No songs available for this episode.
'The Road So Far' recap.
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