2023 91 Songs
Lana meets up with Jason in Paris.
Jason surprises Lana at a church in Paris.
Lana takes a shower.
Jason arrives in Smallville.
Lionel is stabbed in the prison shower.
Clark visits Chloe's new safehouse.
Clark at football practice.
Abby & Brett in the locker room showers.
Clark in the dunk tank.
Flashback scene with Whitney.
The 'new' Abby walks the halls of Smallville High.
Clark complains to Jason about sitting on the bench all football season.
Lois finds a folder labeled "Love Molecule".
Lois enters Smallville High & talks to Clark.
Clark, Chloe, Lois & Mandy in the weight room.
Clark throws the game winning pass.
The cheerleaders' pool party.
Clark takes Danny's place at practice; Jason is shot at in the locker room.
Bart tries to pawn what he has stolen.
Clark chases Bart.
Clark sneaks into Bart's hotel room.
The prison riot.
Mikail goes to see Chloe at the Torch.
During the championship football game.
The football victory party.
The football game & Chloe's betting.
Clark gets ready for the championship game.
Lana comes to the loft to talk to Clark as he cleans up from the party.
Lana/Isobel casts a spell on the boom box; Clark dances badly.
At the party, Clark worries about Lana, Chloe & Lois' whereabouts.
The song Lex had to play repeatedly after being spelled by Isobel.
Lana meets Genevieve Teague.
Heard on the pink mp3 player; repeats throughout the episode.
Lex is intrigued by a mysterious woman.
Clark talks to his parents about his secret; Lana talks to Jason about leaving.
Clark and Alicia ice skate.
Alicia arrives at Clark's barn.
Beginning of the episode in The Talon.
Clark & Alicia share hot chocolate at the skating rink.
Clark and Alicia enter the honeymoon suite.
At the hotel, Clark & Alicia are taking each other's clothes off.
Clark and Alicia on the couch, before he asks her to marry him.
Karaoke song performed by Lois and Chloe.
Chloe takes down her 'Wall Of Weird'; Clark visits Alicia's grave.
Clark talks to the sheriff at The Talon.
The bar.
Geoff drives to the stadium.
Clark & Geoff enter the sorority house.
Clark looks around the Metropolis University football stadium.
The party after Coop's funeral.
Clark enters the Metropolis University football stadium.
Clark plays with the dog.
Lois talks on her cellphone while driving as she hits a dog.
No songs available for this episode.
Lois, Lucy, Clark, Lex, and Chloe at the Talon.
Lana takes Lex up on his offer to play music together.
End of the episode with Lois and Clark in the barn.
Jason and Lana run through the Talon and discuss their morning run.
Lex tells Lana he is closing The Talon.
Martha visits the Talon and insults Lana.
In school hallway, Chloes argues with Lana about prom king and queen.
Dawn drives while on the phone; Dawn inhabits Martha Kent's body.
Clark and Lana dance.
Beginning of episode; plays again as this scene is repeated.
Dawn & her friends check their prom day schedules.
Lex examines Clark's drawings in the mansion; Clark & Lana talk.
Clark talks to Lana in the hallway at school.
No songs available for this episode.
Lois gives clark a hard time about not cutting on the last day of school.
Chloe talks with the torch photographer and signs his yearbook.
End of the episode.
Lana's name is called at Graduation and the second meteor shower begins.
2022 33 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#3The White Lotus
2021 107 Songs
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