#1Pulp Fiction
1994 42 Songs
The Majestics sing the song at Big Jezza's funeral.
Danny plays the song on Suzi's record player.
The Majestics perform the song in flashback.
Plays in the bar when Danny takes Suzi inside after joining the Majestics.
Plays when Glenna shows up to the gig.
Is performed by The Majestics and serves as the series' theme song.
Plays in the opening scene.
The Majestics played the song on Ready Steady Go.
The Majestics rehearse the song.
Guennadi Rozhdestvensky & Moscow RTV Symphony Orchestra
The Majestics play a jazzed up version of the song.
The Majestics perform the song.
The Tartan Lads perform the song.
The Tartan Lads perform the song.
The Tartan Lads perform the song.
Danny and Suzi sing along to the song in the van.
Vincent and Glenna sing the song in the car, as do Danny and Suzi in the van.
The Majestics perform the song.
The Majestics play the song in the opening flashback and Danny and Suzi sing the song in the van.
The Majestics perform the song.
Plays over the ending scene and the closing credits.
The DJ plays the song after Vince's stabbing.
The Majestics perform the song.
Plays on the radio.
The Majestics perform the song.
Plays when Vince arrives at hospital.
Plays on the radio in the opening scene.
The Majestics rehearse the song.
Briefly sung by Vince.
Briefly sung by Fud.
Played by The Saxophone Brothers.
The Majestics rehearse the song.
Dennis and Bomba sing the song in the van.
Danny plays the song on the piano and The Majestics later rehearse and perform the song.
Bomba, Fud and Dennis hum the song.
A version by The Majestics plays over the establishing shot of The Pavillion.
The Majestics perform the song.
The Majestics play the song, which also serves as the series' theme song.
#1Pulp Fiction
1994 42 Songs
#2The Electric State
2025 10 Songs
2024 59 Songs
2021 93 Songs
#2Grey's Anatomy
2005 1952 Songs
#3The Rookie
2018 295 Songs
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