Welcome to Plathville Season 5 Soundtrack
Welcome to Plathville Season 5 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S5:EP1 Is This A Dagger Which I See Before Me?
Micah plays out the well-known scene from Risky Business in which Tom Cruise dances to music while slicing across the floor. Though modeling is ultimately a freelance career with no defined schedule, he claims it keeps him occupied.
Moriah is in her apartment in Miami. Restoring the dishes to their proper position in the cabinet, she tells the interviewer that she enjoys having the house to herself.
As Ethan departs for the States, Olivia gives him a hug.
Barry talks about his recent interest in fitness. In the past, he says, it served as a release for his frustrations, but he eventually came to like it.
Nathan informs Ethan that Moriah is no longer residing in the flat. Ethan and Nathan go for a ride on their motorbikes.
S5:EP2 No Legacy Is So Rich As Honesty
Lydia gives an explanation for her simultaneous departures from her sister Olivia's home.
Ethan works on his cars in Georgia.
S5:EP3 To Thine Own Self Be True
In a bar, Nathan and Lydia perform together.
When Moriah is baptized, the music is playing in the background.
S5:EP4 Life's But a Walking Shadow
No songs available for this episode.
S5:EP5 Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
At a bar in Hollywood, Micah is getting together with his pals.
As Blake and Olivia head to Minnesota, they attend a farewell party.
S5:EP6 Come What Come May...
When Ethan asks Olivia if she's hungry, she responds that the last person to get to the kitchen is the cook, and the two of them dash inside. She explains to him that he always prevails because she shoves her aside.
Mercy's birthday is celebrated by the family at the beach.
S5:EP7 Romeo, Romeo!
No songs available for this episode.
S5:EP8 Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent
After loading the tree into the vehicle, Kim and the kids head home.
Moriah and Isaac volunteer to head to the shop when Kim advises that the kids get some string to secure the Christmas tree.
Moriah and Isaac volunteer to head to the shop when Kim advises that the kids get some string to secure the Christmas tree.
S5:EP9 So Foul And Fair A Day
Moriah and Lydia are met by Kim. She wishes to inform them about her relationship with Ken.
S5:EP10 I Am Not Bound To Please...
Micah and Lydia join in on this song's chorus.
Using her phone, Micah plays Ethan's song.
S5:EP11 The Wheel Is Come Full Circle
Moriah participates in a dancing contest. Her father gets her a cup of coffee as a hairdresser does her hair. Five of Moriah's siblings and Kim are there in the crowd.
S5:EP12 Off With His Head!
In the kitchen, the couple talks about the issues in their marriage.
S5:EP13 If I Lose Mine Honor, I Lose Myself
Lydia goes into the studio to record this song.
In the studio, Moriah records a song and discusses the background of it.
S5:EP14 To Be or Not To Be...
The scene can be heard following Ethan's declaration that he will return to Minnesota the next day.