2023 91 Songs
According to the narrator, the world of pirates is one that is teeming with mystery and peril, with hundreds of islands dispersed across huge seas.
Water is seen dripping across Luffy's forehead in a flashback while he slumbers. Upon awakening, he wipes his face.
When Captain Alvida strikes her club at them, Koby is made to duck by Luffy. She grumbles. A crew member pirate shoots Luffy, and the bullet penetrates his skin deeply without rupturing it before bouncing back toward the pistol. While Koby and Alvida gape, the other pirates retreat.
In a jungle on Sixis Island, tiny flames blaze in a pattern of concentric circles. A young man enters the clearing carrying three katanas. He is informed that the Baroque Works organization is interested in his skills by a figure who appears out of the shadows. Mr. 7 raises his sword and prepares to kill Zoro when the latter declines, but Zoro slices Mr. 7 in two instead.
Shanks closes up Luffy's facial wound. He says to Shanks that he wants to be a pirate, but Shanks informs him that he is not yet ready.
A girl aboard a boat in the East Sea poses as lost and begs for assistance. She allows the two pirates to board her vessel and open a locked box, but she then takes off on their sloop.
The son of Captain Morgan makes fun of a young child for running into him. Zoro instructs him to apologize to the girl when he throws the meal on the ground. He pulls his blade out in protest but Zoro overwhelms him. Helmeppo pleads with Zoro for his life and says his father may pay him.
Koby and Luffy are lying in the boat. Koby is torn about the Marines' behavior and claims that they should have been assisting the young girl. He is told by Luffy that perhaps there are both good and bad Marines, just like there are both.
Although one of the Marines recognizes Nami and attempts to pursue her, she fights him and knocks him out.
Zoro joins in to support Luffy and Nami as they repel the Marines. Axe-Hand Morgan approaches them and claims to have defeated the Black Cat Pirates by himself. The Captain keeps up with the two and displays superb combat abilities.
Zoro and Luffy come up with a strategy to defeat Captain Morgan, and they are successful.
The boat is boarded by Luffy and his newly assembled crew, and they set sail. Vice Admiral Garp learns of the crew's search for the riches thanks to word-of-mouth.
The team of Luffy received the map, a man notifies Buggy the Clown. The man is told by Buggy the Clown that the map is his, and he will acquire it regardless of who he has to kill.
When Nami opens the safe, she discovers the Grand Line map. She points out the location on the map when Luffy asks her where it is.
When the box the three are in bursts open, they are thrust into the middle of a circus performance. At the spectacle, people applaud and sob. Buggy the Clown interrupts the performance and claims that the spotlight went off and that he missed his entrance.
Nami throws Luffy's cap into the air and offers Buggy the Clown a freak for his show. Nami eludes Luffy as he reaches out to grab it. She is saddened to see the town ruined when she steps outside. She is captured by Buggy's men, who then return her to Buggy.
In a boat out at sea, Higuma and Luffy are. Both fall into the sea as a beast from below flips the boat over. When Shanks drags Luffy out of the water, the sea begins to swallow him up further. When a massive fish-like creature emerges from the water and growls at Shanks, the guy is unfazed and orders the sea monster to leave.
Speaking to the Marines is Garp. He promises to spearhead a mission to find the pirates responsible for the base attack. He exclaims, "For Honor, For Justice, For the Marines!" at the conclusion of his statement.
When he was younger, Luffy promised Shanks that he would have his crew and that they would always look out for one another. Luffy receives Shanks' most valued thing, his hat. He tells Luffy to be good and gets him to pledge that he would give back his hat when they next cross paths. Shanks leaves as Luffy sobs.
This song can be heard on the end credits.
A youngster rings the bell in Syrup Village seven years earlier to warn of the approaching pirates. Usopp is a young man.
This is the opening theme.
Walking around the harbor, Nami and Luffy discuss their plan to hijack a boat that will take them to the Grand Line. Nami recommends a less ostentatious ship, but Luffy is highly particular and wants a three-mast ship.
At a ship with a sheep figurehead on its bow, Luffy pauses and beams. Usopp, who is on board, informs Luffy that the vessel is of the highest caliber and is a caravel class vessel measuring 96 feet in length.
Luffy and the others are driven to Kaya's home by Usopp. They are all invited to dinner, she says.
Usopp walks into Kaya's room and presents her with something. She is initially unsure of what it is, but Usopp informs her that it is a massive pearl. He describes to her the journey he took to obtain it.
Nami asks Luffy how she looks after trying on several items of clothing from Kaya's closet. He tells her outright that she resembles Nami.
Kaya's longtime accountant Merry is the subject of a conversation between Nami and her. Nami tells him she is enamored with the shipbuilding industry as she flirtatiously rubs his arm.
When Merry declines to hand over control of Kaya's business to Klahadore before speaking with Kaya, Klahadore stabs and murders him.
Nami is moved by Kaya's kindness when she confides in her that she likes to donate to charities. Usopp uses a slingshot to throw stones into the saucepans in the kitchen.
Merry and Zoro are dumped by Sham and Buchi in a deep well. Sham tells Buchi to throw the katanas in the well so they won't leave any evidence even though Buchi wants to keep them. The pirates are approaching.
The song can be heard in the end credits.
This is the opening theme.
In a flashback from ten years ago, Zoro is engaged in kendo training in Japan's Shimotsuki Village.
The pirates of Kuro close the window shutters to prevent Kaya from escaping.
Zoro can muster the courage and resolve to scale the well's walls since he can recall teaching Kuina in Japan.
With his katana, young Zoro is standing by the water. Zoro approaches his sensei and inquires about Kuina's whereabouts. He informs Zoro that she was killed in an accident. Zoro breaks down in tears as she realizes she is gone. Zoro is able to escape the well in the present.
For the benefit of their pals, Zoro and Luffy visit the residence again.
Zoro battles Buchi and Sham. Kuro plans to kill Kaya in another room, but Luffy reaches out and grabs Kuro's wrist from behind. He informs Kuro that they are friends and that he is not permitted to bother them.
Kaya hands over the desired ship to Luffy and the crew. It is dubbed The Going Merry by Luffy.
On the new ship, Luffy and his companions set sail.
This song can be heard in the end credits.
The sea is covered in mist. After giving the air a quick whiff, Luffy alerts the group that he can smell butter, soy sauce, and meat.
Garp contacts Mihawk and requests assistance in apprehending Luffy. As he chops down his enemies on a beach, Mihawk inquires as to the quarry. Not to underestimate Luffy, Garp warns him.
Mihawk is challenged to a duel by Zoro.
Mihawk expresses his amazement to the crew at the duel that the Marines required him for such a minor assignment. Zoro lunges towards Mihawk, but Mihawk stays there and uses a small blade to deflect both of Zoro's katanas.
The song can be heard on the end credits.
This song is the opening theme.
Outside Baratie, people move about. Water underneath is being disturbed by something. Suddenly emerging from the ocean and landing on the dock was Arlong and two fishers.
Zeff has his good leg broken by one of Arlong's fishers. Sanji enters the conflict out of rage that Zeff was injured. He gets thrown around by the fisherman like a piece of trash. On the dock, Arlong battles Luffy. Into the ocean, Arlong launches Luffy. Though Sanji dives and saves him, he sinks.
Zoro assures Luffy he did nothing wrong and behaved like a captain despite his admission that the crew is disintegrating. Luffy can count on Zoro to support him all the way to the end.
Saji joins the gang as they prepare to bring Nami back on their quest. Zeff shows up to bid Sanji farewell. Sanji, who is crying, promises Zeff that he will never forget him and that he owes him his life.
The song can be heard on the end credits.
This is the opening theme.
Playing cards with Arlong's fishermen is Nami. She claims victory and the reward. Arlong informs her that he wishes to speak with her.
Garp, Koby, and the cadets advance toward Baratie along the dock. Garp requests a conversation with the chef.
In front of Nami and her sister, Arlong shoots Nami's mother.
Nami tells her sister that she has been putting money aside for years in order to give it to Arlong and release Coco Village and the people.
Nami's money gets taken away by Nezumi. She learns that Arlong set him up to it when he declares he will eat all 100,000,000 berries. She pursues him while running, but she eventually falls to her knees and begins to remove the tattoo's skin from her arm. Luffy prevents her.
Nami requests Luffy's assistance. He places his hat on her head and promises to assist her.
The song can be heard in the end credits.
This is the opening theme.
Nami and Luffy visit the map room. She looks over the Grand Line map. She discovers it and prepares to leave when Arlong enters the room and informs her that she is a newcomer. Usopp dashes across the jungle in another scenario to get rid of a fisherman.
Buggy requests that Sanji and Zoro put him back in his body. He pledges to assist them.
Zoro and Sanji are fought by one of Arlong's fishmen. He defeats both of them thanks to his might. Luffy demolishes Arlong's structure. Outside, a furious Sanji finally gets the better of the fishman.
The structure falls, engulfing Luffy. The crew worriesly scans the rubble when Luffy suddenly appears from behind some boulders. He yells to Nami from the top of the mound of wreckage that they are her crew and friends. They sigh with relief that Luffy is still alive and chuckle.
Nami watches the folks having fun and beams with satisfaction. They receive Sanji's home-cooked meals.
Luffy and Garp argue. Even after telling his grandfather he doesn't want to fight him, Garp continues to strike Luffy.
Garp warns Luffy that he doesn't realize how perilous the world is and that The Grand Line is not a toy. He raises Luffy off the ground by grabbing him. Not giving up, Luffy assures his grandfather that he will keep looking for One Piece and that he would eventually become King of the Pirates.
Nojiko assures her sister that she will always be able to go back to the village. Thankful, Nami acknowledges her need to leave.
A Wanted poster with Luffy's face and the highest reward in the East Blue is shown by Koby as Luffy Nezumi's final act of retaliation. When Luffy recognizes himself on the poster, he tells Koby that it is perfect and envelops him in an embrace.
The others are informed by Zoro that Luffy will be the target of East Blue bounty hunters. They won't remain in East Blue, says Luffy, and will instead travel to the Grand Line.
On the ship's deck, three tangerine trees catch Nami's attention. She is informed by Luffy that these are a small piece of home that Nami can carry on their adventure. She approaches the tangerines, leans in, and touches one while grinning.
The song can be heard in the end credits.
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2021 93 Songs
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