The Big D Season 1 Soundtrack
The Big D Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 The Big Day One
The song can be heard while the hosts go over the show's guidelines.
Ariel and Blair talk about their relationship.
The song can be heard as the introduction song.
The song can be heard as the starting song.
On the beach, Devon and Alexis run into each other.
The participants are given an explanation of the rules by Jordan and Jojo.
The participants awaken after spending the night with their former companions.
The girls are required to describe their ex-husbands for an assignment.
Jordan and Jojo ask the competitors to pick a person for elimination once the test winners are revealed.
The winners received a jet ski ride as part of their prize.
The winners are a topic of conversation among the other competitors.
Casey said goodbye to Brooks.
S1:EP2 The Big Cheater
The song is the opening song of the episode.
Casey claims the elimination of Brooks has made her feel better.
Mims speaks privately with Ally, his ex-wife.
In the kitchen, Dean dances around and drinks.
Ariel discusses her present relationship with her former partner, Blair.
For yet another exercise, the competitors see the hosts of the program.
When Blair is asked for guidance by Ariel, they have a lengthy discussion regarding what transpired following their breakup.
Ariel and Mims discuss Ariel's relationship with Ally at the moment.
Devon freely confesses that he admires Lex's appearance.
After Ally loses the competition, Mims consoles her.
S1:EP3 The Big Shakeup
The song is the intro song.
David uses a treadmill for workout. Casey asks if he's had a good night's sleep.
Angelique joins the group, and they start the party.
The couples are dancing slowly. Blair discusses his relationship with Dede.
Blair and Dede talk about their favorite pastimes.
Gillian is eliminated from the competition.
After Gillian is booted off the show, they say farewell to one another.
S1:EP4 The Big Temper
The song can be heard as an intro song.
The song is an opening song, signaling a new day has begun.
The boys debate whether or not another candidate will join them.
David and Angelique go out on a date.
As soon as she enters the villa, Jada speaks with Devon about his difficulties with anger.
Janice and Thakur eat lunch together and spend more time getting to know one another.
S1:EP5 The Big Hook Up
The song is the opening song of the episode.
In a one-on-one conversation with Dede, Blair discusses his recent actions.
After Amber returns from her date with Thakur, Dean and she have a private conversation.
Alexis, Casey, and Jo debate who they ought to eliminate that evening.
There would not be an elimination that night, the hosts revealed.
S1:EP6 The Big Party Foul
The song can be heard as an opening song.
Following the hosts' announcement that they will throw the couples a party and allow them to have a date day.
Everyone on the boat is enjoying themselves.
The song can be heard following a delicate talk between Ben and Angelique.
The song can be heard while everyone begins to party.
The song can be heard at the beginning of a new day.
S1:EP7 The Big Manipulator
The song can be heard as in intro song.
Jojo converses with everyone and outlines the workout for the week.
David argues that because he has been alone for the previous six months, he would battle for what he wants.
Ben is expressing his love for Casey and how much he likes her.
Ben tells Casey he wants to spend more time with her before giving her a final kiss.
Another pair is slandering Jo and her activities.
S1:EP8 The Big Change of Heart
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP9 The Big Surprise
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP10 The Big Goodbye
No songs available for this episode.