The Ferals Season 1 Soundtrack
The Ferals Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 An Explosion Of Talent
Plays in a quiet rendition as the Ferals think about the idea of having a Beach House from winning the talent competition.
To be taken out of this page.
The song that Kylie sings out loudly in the talent competition, up until being stopped by the trash lid gong that the wombat host uses upon not liking it.
S1:EP2 The Ghost Of Ironbark Lill
A rendition plays as “the Ghost of Ironbark Lill” gets Joe and the Ferals to hug and kiss each other to their humiliation, all whilst at the same time Robbie and Leonard take pictures of them doing so.
S1:EP3 Couch Potatoes
The Ferals attempt to borrow the TV from the flat after the one they brought into the shed stopped working.
Heard playing on the TV that the Ferals bring into the shed as they turn it on.
Heard playing on the TV, of which Mixy sings and moves along to.
S1:EP4 Buried Treasure
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP5 Wags To Riches
Derryn puts on a flea circus with the fleas from the episode in front of a crowd of people.
Joe attempts to entertain a baby that he’s babysitting with rattles that he uses as maracas.
S1:EP6 Happy Birthday
Plays instrumentally in different renditions a few times in the episode.
S1:EP7 Fifteen Seconds Of Fame
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP8 Rock Horror
One of the songs that gets sung by the singing rock, which it does so twice in the episode.
S1:EP9 Modigliana
Plays in a sad tone instrumentally at the start of the Mary Poppins sequence of Rattus’ brain scan as we see Mixy and Derryn playing the respectively roles of Jane and Michael Banks awaiting the arrival of a special nanny.
Plays instrumentally during the Mary Poppins sequence of Rattus’ brain scan where where Rattus playing the role of Mary Poppins “takes care” of Modigliana playing the role of Rambo Cat, who had been troubling Mixy and Derryn playing the respective roles of Jane and Michael. Rattus even hums along to the music whilst doing so.
Plays instrumentally in the Mary Poppins sequence of Rattus’ brain scan as Rattus playing the role of Mary Poppins arrives to help Mixy and Derryn in their respective roles of Jane and Michael. It plays again as Rattus in that same sequence bids goodbye just as his brain scan is about to change it’s setting thanks to what Modigliana does by also being connected to the projector.
S1:EP10 Exam Fever
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP11 Double Trouble
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP12 The Rat In The Moon
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP13 True Romance
Rattus as he is in a crazed love state for Modigliana after an incident from earlier in the episode sings this out loudly to her playing the guitar, leading to a disguised Modi running off.
Plays briefly after what Modigliana misinterprets from hearing Robbie on the phone talking to someone named Joe.
Sung by Rattus whilst still in a crazed love state after seeing that Keith’s romance advice to him on how to win over Modigliana’s love failed.
S1:EP14 April Fools
Joe says to Robbie that he wants her to pretend to be his wife for the Musk Oxen event he is to have.
S1:EP15 Seasons Greedings
Plays briefly and instrumentally during one of the scene transitions.
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Plays instrumentally in different tunes 3 times in the episode. First when the Ferals spot someone walking by in a Santa Outfit, then when Joe receives a phone call after setting up his Christmas dinner, and finally after the credits play showing the aftermath of the time the characters spent fighting over who gets what with the presents delivered to them.
Is sung twice in the episode, first by Joe when he whilst in a good mood goes to greet The Ferals in their shed with news for them, then by The Ferals as they go to greet Robbie and Leonard for something. It also plays instrumentally towards the end of the end, where after the Ferals win a load of presents after their video shown on “Draggiest Home Videos” turned out to be a success, the characters all end up starting to fight over who gets what.
Plays briefly and instrumentally during one of the scene transitions, in addition to when the Ferals come up with the idea to do a video with hopes on what it could accomplish.