Milo Murphy's Law Season 2 Soundtrack
Milo Murphy's Law Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 The Phineas and Ferb Effect
Plays instrumental as everyone introduces themselves to each other whilst riding Phineas & Ferb’s mech.
Sung to distract the Pistachion Guards as part of a plan to escape the plant based prison.
Concert Suite from The Nutcracker, Op. 71: II. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Plays as Milo distracts the Pistachions he and Diogee are being chased by with a rhythmic ribbon that he has in his backpack, which he uses to drop down the stairs and knock one of the Pistachions out, after which the others hold up score cards on what they thought of it.
Plays twice, first when going through tools to see what can take down the Pistachions, then when working on a large mech to create an effect that combines Phineas & Ferb’s positive probability ions with Milo’s negative probability ions.
Plays briefly in a shot of a Welcome To Danville sign, which stops as it gets destroyed by Pistachions that are terrorising the area and capturing Danville’s residents.
S2:EP2 Snow Way Out
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP3 Teacher Feature
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP4 Picture Day
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP5 Agee Ientee Diogee
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP6 Game Night
The tune is uses for the “Ye Olde Pizza” jingle, and plays when pizza is delivered to the Murphy house by Veronica.
S2:EP7 Pace Makes Waste
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP8 Cake Splosion'
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP9 Lady Krillers
Can be heard faintly playing on Dakota’s headphones, which he even sings along to briefly.
Sung in acapella by Tobias Trollhammer as Tobina whilst crawling through the mud as part of “her” training for a movie role.
S2:EP10 Doof's Day Out
Plays briefly during a shot of a room that Doofensmirtz whilst at the science museum with the kart that he made out of fake body organs from the human body exhibit crashes through the wall into.
S2:EP11 Disco Do-Over
Plays instrumentally as Milo’s parents whilst at the roller derby rink greet their opposition.
Plays instrumentally as Milo trains his parents for the roller derby competition.
S2:EP12 The Ticking Clock
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP13 Managing Murphy’s Law
Can be heard playing on the radio that Milo uses to round up some horses that went loose.
S2:EP14 Milo’s Shadow
The tune is heard briefly at the start as Zack and Melissa walk to the bus stop to find Doofensmirtz there with Milo.
The tune is heard briefly at the end as Doofensmirtz break dances.
S2:EP15 Sick Day
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP16 Field of Screams
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP17 Spy Little Sister!
Sung briefly by Doofensmirtz whilst clipping his toenails, just as he is about to be confronted by Savannah having gone back in time with Melissa to ask him about something to do with what's to occur later the same day.
S2:EP18 Dog Walker, Runner, Screamer
Plays faintly on the phone whenever Cavendish is put on hold.
S2:EP19 Now I Am a Murphy
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP20 Freefall
Plays with a key and tempo change as circus balloons prevent Milo, Melissa and Zack from descending to the ground with the banner they’ve ended up having to use as a parachute.
S2:EP21 Milo's World
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP22 Abducting Murphy's Law
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP23 The Goulash Legacy
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP24 The Dog Who Knew Too Much
The Nutcracker, Op. 71: Act II Tableau 3: Divertissement: d. Trepak - Russian Dance
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Plays as Doofensmirtz and Sarah chase after a confused robotic laundry hamper created by the former through the streets.
A portion of it plays as a contestant at the Toddler Talent Show fails to juggle some teddy bears.
S2:EP25 Adventure Buddies
The tune plays briefly as Doofensmirtz looks at the postcard from Perry that Vanessa gives to him.
Plays instrumentally in a super emotional way as Doofensmirtz walks back to the Murphy’s house after his time out with Scott the Undergrounder lamenting about the sorts of people he should be spending time with.
S2:EP26 Ride Along Little Doggie
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP27 Look at this Ship
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP28 Cast Party
Plays instrumentally during the time spent at the "cast party" that the characters have in the Murphy's backyard whilst like Zack having ended up in casts from the incidents they talked about.
S2:EP29 Safety First
Plays during a flashback as Elliot explains a memory from his childhood whilst at the circus with a bag of marshmallows.
S2:EP30 Cavendish Unleashed
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP31 First Impressions
To be taken out of this page.
Plays in the flashback during the hyper speed sequence in the time vehicle that Cavendish and Dakota use, which has everything around them like the sea life which got set loose and the damaged bus full of kids slow down.
Plays briefly in the flashback of Doofensmirtz finishing up his story to Dakota about how he met Perry the Platypus (the exact same moment as in a Phineas & Ferb episode).
S2:EP32 The Speech and Debate League of Death and Destruction Cross Town Explosion Event
Plays instrumentally as Zack enters the ring celebrating his victory against the opposing school at the Scholastic Competotion.
Plays instrumentally as Zack hop scotches in the ring at the Scholastic Competition.
S2:EP33 The Mid-Afternoon Snack Club
Heard on the substitute teacher Mr. Blunt’s headphones, which he even moves and sings along to.
To be taken out of this page as it’s on the wrong one.
S2:EP34 Parks and Wreck
Plays briefly during a shot of Hamilton H County park, which compared to the pic of it on Milo’s phone has become an untidy mess.
S2:EP35 Escape
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP36 Milo in Space
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP37 Sphere and Loathing in Outer Space
No songs available for this episode.