Saint X Season 1 Soundtrack
Saint X Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 A Lovely Nowhere
The scene transitions to an aerial view of the Island.
Prior to parking the motorcycle, the two kids arrive.
Upon mentioning her daughter's good intentions but confusion, the mom speaks.
Clairey pours water into a sand hole and builds sand castles at the beach.
Following Claire's furious entrance, she informs her boyfriend about losing her phone.
Edwin and the hotel workers laugh at a drunken customer walking on the beach.
S1:EP2 Woman Is Fickle
The man sings along to the opening song in the car before getting pulled over by the police.
Prior to the scene shifting to the three hotel staff, they share a laugh.
Gogo cycles on a bicycle. Keithley and Sara meet to discuss a business opportunity.
S1:EP3 Men of Interest
Edwin waits in a car while Gogo arrives with his son, Clive Jr.
The music plays during an Indigo Bay sequence. Edwin greets Stephen, and Gogo listens to their conversation.
Edwin steps out of a vehicle and meets with One-Eye Mike.
The girl at the bar firmly tells the guy hitting on her to back off.
S1:EP4 A Disquieting Emptiness
After hearing the news on the radio, Gogo changes the station and a song starts playing.
The song begins playing right after the title card as the narrator starts telling Alison Thomas' story.
Edwin serves Ethan and Dana their food and compliments Dana on her sunglasses.
Holly and her daughter are at the nail salon, and she asks her daughter if there are any boys she should know about.
When Gogo encounters Claire at a local diner, she expresses gratitude for him walking her home the previous night and invites him to play cards.
S1:EP5 Colonial Interference
Clive keenly observes two kids attempting to steal something from the supermarket.
Edwin arrives at the beach to attend to the Thomas family, with the father capturing moments by taking photos of his children.
During a dinner conversation, Claire and Tyler discuss their respective parents.
Curious, Claire follows Clive to a nightclub and witnesses him meeting up with Bery.
S1:EP6 Loose Threads of the Past
Alison is listening to this song.
Alison quickly changes the song when she notices Desmond approaching.
S1:EP7 The Goat Witch and the Sinner
People hit the dance floor and the Thomas family shares lessons learned at their table.
The DJ plays a lively song, and everyone joins in a Conga line.
Edwin invites Alison to a local bar for a good time after work.
Clive serves drinks and talks about his resort experience with Emily.
Emily and Clive dance together.
S1:EP8 Faraway
Alison asks Gogo to dance with her at the bar. They later leave and discuss visiting Faraway Cay.
Sara eagerly awaits Gogo's arrival at the airport and warmly embraces him.