Music from
School Spirits Season 2 Soundtrack
2023-50 songs-59K views
Music from
School Spirits Season 2 Soundtrack
2023-50 songs-59K views
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Whatever Happened to Maddie Nears?
S2:EP2 Field of Screams
S2:EP3 Can't Hauntly Wait
S2:EP4 Episode 4
Song playing in headphones in Charlies scar
S2:EP5 Ghost Who's Coming to Dinner
S2:EP6 Ghost Pointe Blank
song playing when Wally, Charlie and Rhonda dance
plays when chalrie runs away from the party and Maddie goes into the scars
S2:EP7 Anatomy of a Fallout Shelter
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP8 Fire, Talk to Me
No songs available for this episode.