Shrinking Season 1 Soundtrack
Shrinking Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Coin Flip
First song as Jimmy is playing air piano by the pool. Liz comes out at 3am and asks what he's doing.
Jimmy takes his daughters bike to work after his car doesn't start.
Theme song / main title theme.
Montage of Jimmy at work as clients tell him all of their trivial problems.
Jimmy's flashback of him and Tia wrestling and messing around on the couch, before kissing.
Montage as Jimmy takes Sean to the boxing ring, while cheering from the side. Ends with Jimmy watching Home Alone in the bath.
Jimmy and Sean park the car on the sidewalk, before getting out and trying to run to his daughter's soccer game.
Final song, plays into the end credits.
S1:EP2 Fortress of Solitude
First song as Liz waits to pick Alice up for school. She sings along to this song while honking the car horn.
Jimmy finally calls Brian after a year of not talking. Brian is very excited and gets overwhelmed when he sees Jimmy name appear on his mobile.
Jimmy leaves Dan at the coffee shop after he manages to have a small amount of small talk.
After Jimmy bails on Alice's dinner, she instead goes to Phil's house. Jimmy then goes to play tennis or 'pickle ball' - with his brother, Brian.
Jimmy offers Sean a place to sleep after taking him home. Final song as it plays into the end credits.
S1:EP3 Fifteen Minutes
Paul listens to one of his 'sad songs' in his office.
Gaby is blasting this song and singing along in her new car.
Jimmy is in his car at the station where he sees Gaby making out with a guy.
Jimmy listens to this song on his bike as he cries.
End credits song.
S1:EP4 Potatoes
First song as they sing along to the lyrics in the car.
Gabby, Liz, and Jimmy gather to chat and have a drink together.
Final song during the montage, continues into the end credits.
S1:EP5 Woof
S1:EP6 Imposter Syndrome
S1:EP7 Apology Tour
S1:EP9 Moving Forward
S1:EP10 Closure
Plays during the montage of everybody dancing at Brian's wedding/updates of Jimmy's patients