The Young Ones Season 1 Soundtrack
The Young Ones Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Demolition
The soundtrack to Neil's bungled suicide.
The song is performed live.
S1:EP2 Oil
Plays as the lads arrive at their new house.
S1:EP3 Boring
Plays over the opening scene.
The song plays in Hell.
A pair of vegetables waltz to the song.
The song plays when Goldilocks enters the kitchen and later when the Three Bears arrive.
The song is performed live.
S1:EP4 Bomb
Plays when Rik marches to the post office.
Plays across the whole television due to the lads not paying their license fee.
The song is performed live.
S1:EP5 Interesting
Plays as the rest of the party guests arrive.
Rik puts the song on a record player just before the police arrive.
Plays during the party.
Plays during the party.
The song is performed live.
S1:EP6 Flood
Plays when Rik opens the door to discover the lion tamer.
Plays when Neil comes in from the rain.