Call the Midwife Soundtrack
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Season 12
Episode 7 • Episode 7
Call the Midwife Theme Tune
Peter Salem
This is the opening theme.
Bend Me, Shape Me
Amen Corner
Phyllis starts snapping images of the attendees at the Bentley's Dairy Bonny Britain Competition.
A Thousand Ages from the Sun
Electric Banana
Trixie was waiting for Matthew when he arrived at the diner, and they talked about the wedding.
Willie V. (GUEST)
a year ago
I'm trying to locate the song that starts playing in Series 5 Episode 4 at roughly 15:14. Is there anyone who knows the name of it? Although I can't seem to locate it in the soundtracks that have been released, it's really lovely. At this point, Linda is waiting to notify her father she is pregnant while she is waiting outside the factory.
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Terry S. (GUEST)
a year ago
I found it! It was the tune "The Miracle".
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