Love Life Season 1 Soundtrack
Love Life Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Augie Jeong
Karaoke song that Augie invites Darby to duet with him.
Augie gets on the bus, leaving Darby. Flash forward to future Darby walking alone with nearly full term pregnant body and no wedding ring. She looks content and happy with who she has become, and we have no idea how she got there.
Overtly sexual woman sings this song via karaoke to Darby’s roomie’s boyfriend.
S1:EP2 Bradley Field
Darby and Bradley are leaving his father’s funeral after she got drunk, embarrassed him, and puked. The silence between them in the car represents the distance that’s been growing between them. Darby leaves his apartment with a box full of her things, which is the same box in which she carried his belongings to him from the office. It is a full-circle moment showing how the beginning of their relationship and the ending both looked the same- Darby carrying a box of possessions. It’s a standard office type box, showing how their relationship was doomed from the beginning since it was always juxtaposed to their previous boss/employee relationship.
S1:EP3 Danny Two Phones
S1:EP4 Magnus Lund
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP5 Episode 5
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP6 Magnus Lund Part II
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP7 Claudia Hoffman
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP8 Sara Yang
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP9 Augie Again
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP10 The Person
No songs available for this episode.