2014 28 Songs
Main title.
Florida, 1988 - A mother works out, then goes looking for her nanny and just misses catching her having sex with her husband.
Florida, 1988 - Cliff Steele participates in car race, is distracted by his wife with another man.
Cliff remembers the accident that took his body.
Cliff meets Jane and the Hangman's Daughter.
With the Chief gone, the group takes a trip into the town.
Rita goes into a diner and takes a seat.
Morden tells Chief his people are doomed; the team come across a donkey in the street.
End credits.
Teaser trailer, Dec 2018.
Extended trailer, Feb 2019.
Montage of Larry attempting to leave town on a bus, but constantly getting zapped and knocked unconscious.
While Cliff tries to reason with Jane, Larry goes to Rita room and asks if she'd like to go outside with him.
Larry goes into his room and unwraps the bandages from his head; Rita points Vic to the guest room; Jane works on a painting of the team.
Jane walks around town puttin up missing posters about The Chief, as she's followed by a mob of angry people.
Montage of the group driving a bus down to Paraguay.
Jane explains that Flit is the one the decided to teleport her, Cliff and Larry to Paraguay; Jane puts up missing posters; Steve introduces himself to the group.
The puppet show about Fuchtopia's history and services ends.
Jane and Cliff fight the Heinrich von Fuchs-controlled bodies.
The team flies back home; Vic gets a call from his dad.
17 Years Ago, Salt Lake City - Elliot's parents sing to him, as he waits to blow out the candles on his cake.
New Jersey, 1977 - Jane dances around at The Void punk club, then starts a fight after a guy knocks her to the ground and is arrested.
The psychiatric patients head outside to dance in the street; Jane and Cliff hear faint music, then a door opens; The Eye starts dissolving the patients.
Los Angeles, 1956 - Rita primps while waiting to see movie producer Sydney Bloom.
Rita asks Steve to wear a helmet because she's afraid of hurting him.
The Doom Patrol talk about their last encounter with Morden and everyone going crazy.
Dr. Clay gives the Doom Patrol their medication as they see themselves having their photo taken; Vic looks at his programming; Larry looks at an old patch; Rita takes down all her photos; Cliff looks at his daughter's on-line profile.
Larry relives a hook-up with John, then points out everything that is wrong with the memory.
Larry ends up back in the memory, with corrections to the truck color and song on the radio; continues as Larry rants about the missing context to his memory.
South Florida, 1961 - Cliff lies in bed listening to his parents argue; Cliff stares at his daughter's picture as Vic tells him about the team meeting.
Cliff freaks out, then speeds off in the bus on his way to Bump's house.
Jane's 'Karen' persona goes to Doug's house to win him back.
Larry and Vic are led to Peeping Tom's Perpetual Cabaret.
Larry does a karaoke duet with Lee Karupt to a Kelly Clarkson song; Cliff has a dance-off with a kid.
When Cliff enters the Underground
Ernest, aka The Beard Hunter, gathers supplies for his assignment from the Bureau of Normalcy.
1916 - Niles sings while preparing an animal skin, then he hears Alistair singing behind him.
Larry and John sit down to have hamburgers, then Larry declares his love for John; [0:24] repeats as John talks Larry into dancing with him.
Larry tucks a blanket around John and says goodbye to him; Cliff returns to the bar, then leaves while Clara is distracted; Clara finds the watch Cliff left for her.
Bureau of Normalcy Agent Dirk dances around while threatening Jane with torture.
Dirk hits the stereo when it starts skipping, leading to a change in song and the emergence of Karen.
Great Bend, KS - 1964 - Flex Metallo and Delores walk through the town square, greeting townsfolk; Doris reads a news story about Flex, as he uses his powers to set up a picnic.
Great Bend, KS - 1964 - Flex Metallo answers a boy's cry for help, which leads to rescuing a kitten in a tree.
Chicago, IL - 1946 - Eric Morden meets Millie at a restaurant and tells her he was fired from the Brotherhood of Evil.
The team and Flex Metallo go after the Beard Hunter.
Larry introduces the team to Danny The Street.
After Flex tries to send the team to the White Space, everyone on Danny The Street starts orgasming.
The Chief watches in horror as his team is repeatedly killed by a giant robot.
Doom Manor, 1976 - Rita calls for Larry to join her and The Chief in New Year's Eve celebrations.
Jane catches Cliff leaving food outside the bus she's living in, then the two head off to find the source of the music; the Doom Patrol gathers outside The Chief's mansion; continues as the team enter the painting and go to Danny the Street, then find the Beard Hunter doing karaoke.
Ezekiel, giant cockroach, sings while walking down Danny the Street.
Larry picks up the miniature team; End credits.
Clint Mansell, Kevin Kiner, Sean Kiner
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