Clone High Season 1 Soundtrack
Clone High Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand
Opening theme.
Abe, Gandhi, and Joan walk to Clone High. [0:20] Again as they walk to school.
Abe talking with Joan about Cleo.
Mr. Sheepman steps into class.
JFK confronts Abe at the restroom and tells him to stay away from Cleopatra.
First song at the Grassy Kroll; Gandhi complains about the “geeks” in the diner.
Second song at the diner; Abe goes to JFK’s booth and tells him he’s bringing beer to his party.
Song as Elenor Roosevelt coaches gym class.
Beard party.
Joan of Arc asks Gandhi to help work the hotlines. (0;14) Joan sees Abe kissing Cleopatra. (0:18) Abe lets go of Cleopatra’s hand and confronts the cop.
First song at JFK’s party as Gandhi talks to a depressed teenager on the crisis hotiline.
Abe talks with Gandhi at the balcony.
Principal Scudworth and Butlertron arrives at the party disguised as teenagers.
Van Gogh talking to Gandhi over the hotline.
Mr. Butlertron advices Joan to tell Abe about her feelings for him.
Cleo and Abe kiss each other. (original MTV airing)
JFK finds Abe kissing Cleopatra by the pool area.
Cleo talking to Joan over the hotline.
Cleo breaks up with JFK.
The police arrives at the party.
Abe admits to everyone that the beer is non alcoholic.
Abe steps in to save Joan and Gandhi from the police.
Principal Scudworth proposes to be more sensitive to high school culture.
Principal Scudworth lamenting on how he was humilated and degraded at the clone party.
Cleo hands Abe a love letter.
S1:EP2 Episode Two: Election Blu-Galoo
Cleo announcing she will no longer be running for re-election.
Cleo tells JFK to run for president.
The salesman discusses the deal with each other.
JFK gives his speech.
Abe bangs his hand on the door after losing the debate.
The X-Stream Blu sponsors pressure Abe to sign the contract to promote their product during the campaign.
JFK asks his gay foster dads how to get people to like him.
Abe and Gandhi perform an extreme stunt on the half pipe.
Gandhi tells Abe to not worry about polls. [0:21] Teaser for next episode.
Gandhi becomes sick and falls off the ledge.
Marilyn Manson checks on Gandhi and tells the audience that he is suffering from malnutrition.
The audience celebrates Abe’s victory.
A stray dog enters the stage and licks Gandhi’s face.
Gandhi wakes up and asks Marilyn Manson how to have a healthy balanced diet.
Marilyn Manson sings a song about the food pyramid.
S1:EP3 A.D.D.: The Last 'D' Is for Disorder
Cleo hanging posters for the awareness fair.
Ghandi making impressions of people at the lunch table.
Plays for a few seconds during a scene where JFK talks to Cleopatra after hanging up posters for the Awareness Fair.
Joan heard voices.
Ghandi fidgeting at his desk.
The students find out Ghandi has A.D.D.
Ghandi finding out he has A.D.D.
Joan pays Jesús Cristo a visit at his workshop to ask him about the original Jean D'arc.
Cleopatra asks Abe if Ghandi is too dangerous because of his A.D.D.
Cleopatra showing Abe her kissing techniques.
Joan preaching at St. Paul’s mattress store.
Marie Curie shows Gene Kelly how to dance.
Toots gives his thoughts at the PTA meeting.
Abe sits with Cleopatra in the “popular section” of The Grassy Kroll
The PTA members corner Ghandi outside the The Grassy Kroll.
Abe looks at the lockets and remembers the time he’s spent with Ghandi.
Abe tries to apologize to Ghandi during art class for not choosing to high five him earlier. [0:15] When Tom Green jumps out the window.
Abe watches Cleopatra kissing people at the kissing booth.
Plays while Gandhi and Scudworth are talking.
Background music from the Christian talk show radio.
Abe stands up for Ghandi. Tom Green lectures the townspeople about A.D.D.
The townspeople shun Abe after the kiss.
It’s when Gandhi and Abe kiss
S1:EP4 Film Fest: Tears of a Clone
The townspeople start destroying property after the game.
Cleo telling Abe about the student film she’s been working on.
Abe finds Joan and tries to comfort her.
Plays when Cleo starts filming her film.
Joan shoots a film with Khan.
During Abe’s casting.
Montage of Abe, Cleopatra, Ghandi, and Joan making their student films.
When Abe starts referring to Joan as a super close friend
Joan goes to the projection booth and asks Thomas Edison to not show the film.
During Ghandi’s screening of the his film Black and Tan.
Abe says goodnight to Joan.
S1:EP5 Sleep of Faith: La Rue D'Awakening
Plays for a few seconds at the begining of the episode.
Cleopatra asks Abe to help her study for the PXJT exam.
At the Grassy Kroll. JFK is at a table with multiple dates. Abe walks to Joan’s and Ghandi’s table and tells them that that he hasn’t slept in two days.
Ghandi talking about trucking.
Ghandi tells his parents that he wants to be a trucker.
The zookeeper telling the truck driver to be on the lookout for sleepy drivers.
Abe narrowly avoiding the truck full of pandas.
Principal Scudworth asking Mr. Butlertron why he’s cursing so often.
Plays for a few seconds before ghandi arrives with the trucker to the PXJTs.
Abe dropping his pencil during the PXJT.
Ghandi and Joan staging a sleep intervention for Abe.
Joan telling the time she stayed awake at Sleepaway camp and got a dolphin tattoo.
Mr. Bultertron fighting Scangrade. [0:17] Scangrade about to slice Mr. Bultertron.
The drag race Abe and JFK have on Dead Mans, Mountain Clift Road
Plays when Abe pulls over to sleep.
Abe makes it to the finish line.
S1:EP6 Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc
Plays while Joan, Abe, and Ghandi talk about losing the basketball game.
Abe telling Joan to try on his Letterman’s jacket to see if it would fit Cleo.
Toots telling Joan the time he played organized sport.
At the gynasium, Abe tells Cleo he’s dedicating the basketball shot to her.
Ghandi tries to lure the mascot inside the van.
The clones gather around to hear the story of John D'arc’s original counterpart.
Abe questioning John D'arc.
Ghandi and Gengis Khan kidnap Gesh's mascot.
John D'arc entering the male locker room
John D'arc telling Abe he’s better off going out with Joan.
JFK telling his gay foster dads he’s thinking of “switching channels” but is afraid.
Ghandi spending time with Geshy. [0:16] Geshy rips off a moose’s face.
Abe telling John D'arc he doesn’t want to to talk to him anymore.
Joan talking to Mr. Bultertron about hurting the person she loves the most.
JFK and Cleo realizing that John D'arc was actually Joan.
S1:EP7 Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations
Joan telling Abe to wait for the right moment for the first kiss.
Ghandi explaining to Abe about rhymning.
Plays while Abe, Joan, and Ghandi eat lunch.
Cleo telling Abe she’s about to do things to him that would shock the college boy she hooked up with.
Cleo telling Abe about the letter from Ashley Angel from O Town.
Cleo’s mother enters the room before Abe and Cleo kiss. [0:16] Abe talking to Cleo’s mother over the phone, asking where Cleo is.
Plays during the first time Abe runs after Cleo in the airport.
When Abe starts to talk to Cleo after stopping her on the plane (13:08 also plays when Ashley Angel talks to Cleo after stopping her; 18:07 when Joan stops Abe and they talk; 18:43 Abe talks to Cleo after he stops her)
Abe lamenting to Ghandi and Joan on how the only way to see Cleo is on TV.
The DJ plays Ghandi and JFK’s CD demo.
Abe confronts Cleo over her not wearing his Letterman jacket.
Cleo talking to Abe from inside his locker.
Abe notices Cleo was wearing his Letterman jacket as a necklace.
Abe watching Cleo leave on the plane.
Ashley Angel plays a music video made by Ghandi and JFK.
S1:EP8 Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts
Joan giving an introductory speech for Larry Hardcore.
At the first minute of the episode they sing about how everything’s normal.
Joan telling Abe to not fall into peer pressure. [0:09] Joan asking the tree how to solve the raisin problem.
Principle Scudworth asking Mr. Bultertron about the PTA meeting. [0:11] During the PTA meeting of the raisin epidemic in the school.
The clones smoking raisins.
Ghandi riding the Honkeycorn during the raisin trip.
During Abe’s raisin trip. [0:12] Abe and Cleo sitting on the rooftop.
Abe yelling at his parents.
When the pusher sings about pushing drugs onto kids
When JFK crashes into the rooftop of the PTA meeting.
This is when the song is first heard/starts but is stopped after Abe sees his head from the dry chicken and starts again at 17 mintues
The parents getting high from the raisin fumes. Abe unmasks the The Pusher.
S1:EP9 A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm
Buffalo Springfield parody song that plays during the episode recap and when Abe falls out of the window.
Joan watching the house burn down.
At the Grassy Kroll, JfK flirting with the waitress.
Scudworth gets a robot dog.
Abe joins the conflict mediation seminar.
Cleo holding a pity rally for Joan.
Abe tries to resolve the conflict between Cleo and Joan with a trust game.
Scudworth getting into an arguement with Mr. Butlertron over the robot dog.
Joan and Cleo getting into fight.
Joan throwing stuff at Cleopatra.
Joan deciding to paint a dividing line in the middle of the bedroom.
Abe walking down the windy street thinking about what the original Abe would do.
When Cleo and Joan start fighting right before JFK and Gandhi sees them in their underwear.
S1:EP10 Litter Kills: Litterally
It’s the start of the episode after the theme song
JFK making fun of Abe for not littering. [0:05] Ponce trying to tell JFK something important.
Ponce telling Abe to not be concerned about JFK.
Ghandi telling Joan a joke in the car.
Ponce being killed by litter.
Joan trying to convince everyone to stop littering during Ponce’s funeral.
JFK mourning the loss of Ponce.
When Abe go comforts JFK on the dock (it also plays 19:43 later in this episode)
Plays while Abe, Gandhi, and the convicts show up to help JFK clean up litter.
S1:EP11 Snowflake Day: A Very Special Holiday Episode
Joan throwing out the chum and venting about the holiday season.
Abe making a present for Cleo from his heart.
S1:EP12 Makeover, Makeover, Makeover: The Makeover Episode
Male clones asking female clones to prom.
Ghandi practicing his dance routine for prom. Marie Curie walks up and asks Ghandi if he has a prom date.
Abe making out with Cleo in his car.
Ghandi lamanting to himself in front of the mirror about not having someone to love, dry hump, leave and later brag about for prom.
Plays while Gandhi eats lunch.
Joan telling Toots about wanting to go with Abe to prom.
Cleo enters the room and finds Joan crying.
Joans new look is revealed.
Ghandi storms off after finding out JFK helped him for a bet.
S1:EP13 Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale
Ghandi sitting at the lunchtable with Carver, Van Gogh, Nostradamus and other clones that do not have dates and when the clones decide to join Ghandi’s “prom posse.”
Ghandi convincing the clones without dates to form a “prom posse.”
Abe asking Joan a “very special prom” question. [0:07] Abe and JFK arrive at the front door and when everyone leaves.
Plays when JFK asks Joan to prom.
JFK gets up after being punched by Joan and begs her to go to prom with him.
The leader or Board of Shadowy Figures gathers the boars, fellow conspirators and celebrity guests for an important meeting. [0:09] Board of Shadowy figures driving to prom. [0:21] The board of shadowy figures crashes the prom to steal the clones back.
Joan and JFK enter the limo where she meets JFk’s other prom dates.
Plays while Abe and Cleo are at prom.
Plays at the beginning of the prom scene.
Gandhi talks to Marie at prom.
Abe talks to Joan while at prom.
When Cleo undresses in front of Abe.
Flashback to the time at the Grassy Kroll where Joan admits her feelings for Abe.
Plays while Abe talks to Gandhi at prom.
When Prinicpal Scudworth asks the band (Abandoned Pools) to “hit it” when he leads them to the flash freezer in a conga line