The Umbrella Academy Soundtrack

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Season 1
Episode 1 • Episode 1
Russia 1989
Jeff Russo
Russia, 1 Oct 1989 - At a swimming pool a boy and girl flirt, then she jumps into the pool and emerges fully pregnant and in labor.
Sudden Birth
Jeff Russo
Russia, 1 Oct 1989 - A girl gives birth to a baby; Reginald visits the girl and asks to buy the baby.
Picture Book (Stereo Mix)
The Kinks
1989 - Reginald Hargreaves heads home with the seven babies he adopted.
Phantom of the Opera Medley
Lindsey Stirling
Vanya plays the violin; introductory montage of the kids grown up; news spreads of Reginald's death.
Jeff Russo
Vanya arrives at the Hargreaves mansion, says hi to Grace, then is greeted by Allison; Luther checks Reginald's bedroom.
The Walker
Fitz and The Tantrums
17 years ago - Allison uses her powers on a bank robber to make him shoot his partner; The Umbrella Academy work together to take down the other bank robbers.
I Think We're Alone Now
Luthor puts on a record, which leads to all the kids dancing around the room they're in.
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
They Might Be Giants
The Boy takes down the armed men in Griddy's Doughnuts, then digs a tracker out of his arm.
The Umbrella Academy
Jeff Russo
End credits.
I Think We're Alone Now
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Song from the official netflix trailer.
6 years ago
What’s the Piano piece played when Robot mom is looking at paintings and then sits back to charge
2 replies
3 years ago
This is 100% the correct answer for any future seekers. For some reason it was not included on the soundtrack with the rest of Jeff Russos tracks but if you search YT you will fond several covers and there is also sheet music out there. Jeff Russo - Mom and Lonely Kids
5 years ago
I was trying to find this for so long and I finally found it!! Here is a link to the music for you!
6 years ago
What's the name of the song that is played after Ben punches Klaus? It is also played before this but I can't remember exact times.
0 replies
6 years ago
What is the song played by the end of the episode, when Five tells Vanya about what he found on the future?
0 replies
6 years ago
What is the song played by the end of the episode, when Five tells Vanya about what he found on the future?
0 replies
6 years ago
What is the song played by the end of the episode, when Five tells Vanya about what he found on the future?
0 replies
6 years ago
What is the song played by the end of the episode, when Five tells Vanya about what he found on the future?
0 replies
6 years ago
What is the song played by the end of the episode, when Five tells Vanya about what he found on the future?
0 replies
6 years ago
What is the Vanya's played violin song?
1 replies
ky (GUEST)
2 years ago
phantom of the opera by linsey sterling
6 years ago
What is the Vanya's first violin song? S1E1
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6 years ago
What is the Vanya's first violin song? S1E1
0 replies
6 years ago
What is the song played where Klaus overdoses in the ambulance and just gets resuscitated?
0 replies
6 years ago
anyone knows 1x1 Luther is walking in a hallway then allison is sitting on a chair and looking a Necklace that writed “A&L” on it. Time 30:37.
0 replies
6 years ago
anyone knows 1x1 Luther is walking in a hallway then allison is sitting on a chair and looking a Necklace that writed “A&L” on it. Time 30:37.
0 replies
6 years ago
anyone knows 1x1 Luther is walking in a hallway then allison is sitting on a chair and looking a Necklace that writed “A&L” on it. Time 30:37.
0 replies
6 years ago
Anyone know what the song is that plays during the teaser trailer called ' Villains Gotta Vill'? There's just some girl singing na na na na, no other lyrics and it's driving me crazy!
0 replies
6 years ago
Anyone knows the name of the music played when number 5 travels through time?
1 replies
6 years ago
It’s called Run Boy Run by Woodkid
6 years ago
the scene playing while the song istanbul is playing. he isnt taking a bullet out of his arm, its a tracker
1 replies
6 years ago
Corrected, thanks.
6 years ago
There is a piece of music played on the piano around the 47.22 mark when the 'mother.' is sitting staring at a portrait. Can anyone help with the name and composer? please, someone, help me
1 replies
6 years ago
Chopain nocturn c sharp minor
6 years ago
Piano cover of Hotel California
1 replies
6 years ago
Thank you ♪♪♪
6 years ago
I also would like info about the piano piece in episode 1 at the 47.16 mark. It is a beautiful piece but I can't find it listed anywhere.
5 replies
6 years ago
The closest i can find is beethoven moonlight sonata (1st)
6 years ago
^^^ Wrong.
6 years ago
Piano cover of Hotel California.
6 years ago
One of Chopains nocturns :)
6 years ago
^^^ Wrong.
6 years ago
There is a piece of music played on the piano around the 47.22 mark when the 'mother.' is sitting staring at a portrait. Can anyone help with the name and composer?
6 replies
6 years ago
Hotel California
6 years ago
I JUST figured it out after 24 hours of busting my brain and came here to post the same thing, it's also at 28:50 during the montage of them walking around the house. I had the melody in my head but could not place it and it was driving me crazy, and JUST placed it, I put on Hotel California just to be sure I got it right, and it's the guitar listened Joe Walsh play the exact same melody. It's heavily interpreted in the cover, but yeah, it's Hotel California.
6 years ago
Its not hotel california, the closest i found was beethoven moonlight sonata (1st)
6 years ago
Do you know where can I find this cover? I'm a pianist and I would like to play it but I can't find the sheets of this version... Thank you!
6 years ago
It's a chopain nocturne. 100 percent sure...its in my piano book.
6 years ago
my husband claims that its amor by nino and I agree eith him the first part of the melody totally holds than it is heavily interpreted.
6 years ago
Thank you
0 replies
6 years ago
My question it's abaut another piano piece, 28' 44" (all brothers and sisters in the house). Can anyone help. Thanks
8 replies
6 years ago
I just figured it out, it's Hotel California. The cover is used throughout the series as a kind of theme, it's heavily interpreted, but it's definitely the melody from Hotel California. This was driving me crazy.
6 years ago
The song played at 28.44 is the Escaplogist's vocal line from the song "I'm Here" from Matilda the Musical. In that song, the melody plays at 1:36-ish.
6 years ago
I thought they used the beethoven moonlight sonata (1st) and changed it a bit?
6 years ago
For me, it's Chopin, nocturne op. 9 no 1
6 years ago
No, its not Hotel California... does not even sound the same. You try singing it to that piano score, it doesn't match. It's actually a rendition of Amor by Nino.
6 years ago
It's a chopain nocturn, I've been playing it in my piano book. No real cover or interpretation, played straight up as composed pretty much. Amazing piece.
6 years ago
I came for the same thing. I'm almost certain it's a cover of a song, but I cannot figure out what song it is, it's right on the edge of my mind...
3 years ago
I can gear why someone thought its a rendition of Amor by Nino, it's the same chord progression. It is not a rendition of that song though. Caden H. S nailed it in his comments.
Tv Show Info
Jeff Russo, Perrine Virgile
Music Supervisors