Good Trouble Season 3 Soundtrack
Good Trouble Season 3 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S3:EP1 Capoeira
Opening montage.
On a mission from Mariana, Alice attempts to retrieve clothing for Mariana from her and Isabella's room.
Mariana arrives at work, she revisits night with Evan as she attempts to distance herself.
Malika and Dyonte play a game of sidewalk hopscotch.
Mariana finds a message from Isabella on Raj's computer; Raj finds his office empty sans Mariana; Mariana arrives home to find Isabella and her belongings gone from their room.
Davia finishes up her makeup when Gael knocks at her door in search of Dennis.
Mariana has a honest conversation with Raj about the conflicting emotions they've been having for other people; Mariana has another honest conversation this time with Evan discussing the emotions have that come up between the two.
Mariana reads Callie the results of her Bar Exam; the Coterie family celebrate; News of Dennis and Isabella's departures are told to the others; Food is suggested.
Malika is remanded into police custody; (flashback) Malika learns Capoeira from Dyonte so that she is protected both physically and spiritually.
S3:EP2 Arraignment Day
Opening montage; Callie goes to meet her first client as a lawyer.
Davia flashes back to moments with Dennis as Gael asks her about him.
Mariana and the Green Team move against trolls on the ACT-ivism app; BLM move against DA Hansen for Malika.
(Flashback) Malika tells Alice how proud she is of her.
Malika's friends and family welcome her home.
The Coterie celebrate.
Mariana along with the Green Team leave Speckulate.
S03E02 Trailer.
S3:EP3 Whoosh, Pow, Bang
Gael, Alice Davia sing 'Happy Birthday' to Mariana when Callie arrives home; (repeats) [0:31] Gael, Alice Davia sing to Mariana.
Mariana and her "fight club" team mates brainstorm about app ideas.
Davia and the equity committee have a meeting at the Coterie to discuss getting their schools diversion program abolished and police out of the school by practicing restorative justice initiative; Davia and Matt clean up after the meeting and get to know one another.
Callie and Kathleen discuss Jerod's case after speaking with the DA.
Gael sees his friends good job news from CalArts when Davia home, they discuss their problems together.
Alice answers a call from her mother that gives her inspection from her created character for her work assignment; To help Davia, Gael joins the Restorative Justice program to help with her students.
Davia talks with Gael about his art work and what he wants to do with his future.
Gael arrives at his internship which involves another worker being fired for him to be hired.
Davia messages Dennis about receiving her 3rd in the teachers program; Matt asks Davia out on the date; (Flashback) Davia asks for Dennis to keep in touch even if he doesn't return to the Coterie.
S3:EP4 Klompendansen
S3:EP5 Because, Men
S3:EP6 Help
Callie has drinks with Tony when Rowan cancels; Nicolette helps Callie in the bathroom with a stain problem; Callie finds out that Nicolette is Jamie's date; Callie returns to Tony at the bar and begins to put on the flirt as Jamie watches.
Alice and Lindsey have a frank discussion about they can't control how people interpret their comedy when using their personal selves and lives in it.
S3:EP7 New Moon
S3:EP8 Trust
S3:EP9 Driver's Seat
S3:EP10 She's Back
S3:EP11 Knocked Down
S3:EP12 Shame
Gael attempts to tell the others of the Coterie about Isabella; (flashback) Gael talks with Isabella about telling the roommates about her staying with him.
Mariana attempts to dress down for her job interviews then talks with Callie about Callie's situation with Gael and offers skedaddle to give her and Gael alone time.
Malika has a session with her therapist about Issac and their relationship then her therapist gives her an assignment for their next session.
As Davia makes a PB&J sandwich when Gael arrives from grocery shopping, they being to talk about the awkwardness between them since Isabella and Dennis' returns and being to smooth things over between them.
After Gael tells his and Isabella's truth, Dennis takes the time to do the same about his past and his son, the others hug him as they embrace him.
S3:EP13 Making a Metamour
S3:EP14 Picks and Strikes
Opening montage.
Montage; Callie and the team work on jury collection for the trail; Mariana and Rowan work together from the office as Callie, Kathleen and Tony work in the courtroom; Rowan and Mariana get to know one another.
Dennis waits to see if Davia shows up at his gig.
[Cover version of Never The Wolf] Dennis attempts to sing at Smitty's.
After being kicked out of Smitty's, Dennis and Davia grab food at a food truck; Dennis tells Davia about lack of passion for the music season and that he needs a new passion; Dennis envisions telling Davia he loves her.
Alice and Sumi have drinks of the roof of the Coterie to celebrate her victory at CBTV; Alice envisions herself and Sumi together.
[Cover version of Faouzia & John Legend] Montage of Callie and Jamie's past together as Callie and Jamie think about one another.
S3:EP15 Lunar New Year
Alice and Sumi manages the housemates in cleaning the Coterie for Alice's Lunar New Year party.
Sumi helps Alice with the yu when Lindsey arrives along with Ruby.
Callie, Mariana, Gael, Isabella, Dennis and Kelly have drinks together; Gael reminds Isabella to drink more water when his alarm goes off.
Davia discusses handling Dennis and Matt, Malika gives her advice about dating poly when Dyonte arrives with Tanya.
Malika, Dyonte and Tanya do shots together in Malika's room.
Davia daydreams about Matt and Magda together then herself with Matt.
As they work on Dennis' food truck, Matt and Dennis get to know one another and bond.
Callie tells Mariana that she had an honest conversation with Gael; (flashback) Gael explains to Callie that he and Jazmin spoke about how to tell their parents about Isabella and the baby along with introducing her and Callie to them.
S3:EP16 Opening Statements
Mariana discusses her role at the office as they head to court when they run into Raj and Claire.
At Douro, Malika works on her grant application before her shift starts while making a new friend at the lounge bar; Malika offers to help Dyonte on his own grant application after her work shift.
Callie arrives home to Mariana mopping; (flashback) Mariana meets with Claire, Gina and Rachel after they're manipulated into meeting up by Raj and Callie; the girls update Mariana on Bulk Beauty; Mariana tells Callie about the with the rest of the girls from Byte Club, Callie advises her to make peace with them.
Montage as Malika works through the night working on Dyonte's and her own grant applications through the night.
Mariana comes to Claire, Rachel and Gina to apply for a job with Bulk Beauty; (flashback) Gina suggest to Rachel and Claire that they hire Mariana; Mariana accepts a job with Bulk Beauty.
S3:EP17 Anticipation
Opening montage of events of past, present and future events.
(Flashback) Mariana meets Zelda while getting coffee, they bond over caffeine, shoes and Oat milk.
At Douro, Angelica brings Malika and Tanya empanadas; Malika asks Tanya if she senses a queer-vibe from Angelica, they then discuss the possibility if the hike Angelica invited Malika on is a date and what is means for Malika.
Zelda finds the Oat milk empty in the lunch room; (flashback) Mariana pours out the Oat milk into the kitchenette sink; Mariana offers Zelda some of her Oat milk in BB's office.
Claire, Rachel and Gina celebrate after Mariana helped them get help from Zelda with Contend; Mariana offers her help with the Contend pitch but the others asks her to just work on the analytics coding for the site.
Malika and Angelica go on their hike together; Angelica manages to get Malika to give up control and turn off her phone for a few hours to just enjoy herself.
Davia assures Dennis that she isn't spiraling out on an anorexia binge again just because she's lost weight; on a hill top, Malika and Angelica sit taking in the view, Malika then asks Angelica if she'd like to come over the Coterie for dinner.
Jazmin announces her engagement to Spencer; Spencer asks for Hugo's permission for them to marry; the Martinez family celebrate Jazmin and Gael's news; Davia makes a confession on body positivity on her IG; Dennis watches Davia's feed; (flashback) Dennis texts Matt suggesting that he check in on Davia; Davia packs packs away the clothing from FashionSpoke to send the package back.
S3:EP18 Blindside
Montage as the group at the Coterie volunteer their time together to care for Yvonne's children and help out Malika; Malika and Callie discuss Yvonne's case; Callie announces how comfortable Gael and Isabella are with caring for the children; Mariana checks in on Callie.
Alice cleans up the breakfast mess when Sumi comes in, they avoid talking about their previous kiss then Sumi attempts to help Alice out with dealing with the show case.
Gael and Isabella discuss on plans for her moving out for a job and her own home then moving back when her due date is near to give birth.
Malika and Dyonte cuddle together then discuss future children and how it children work in poly relationships; Malika asks Dyonte about when she should tell him if she's interested in someone else.
Margaret Cho returns to mentor and direct the comedy program; (flashback) Sumi confronts Margaret after her and Alice's meeting with her; Margaret tells Alice why she returned then tells her that Sumi is a keeper.
Davia shows Jessie her body-pos Instagram account while trying to give her a pep talk about not letting her friends decide who she gets to be because of her size then suggests she dance for herself and because she enjoys it.
Mariana texts Zelda about the other beauty app job; Alice and Sumi drink together in celebration; (flashback) Alice breaks up with Ruby.