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A Million Little Things Season 2 Soundtrack

2018-163 songs-2.3M views

S2:EP1 coming home

S2:EP2 grand canyon

    Maggie makes requests of Gary as they prepare for her mothers arrival.

    Elon meets Delilah, Gary and Maggie and supprises Deliliah about knowing about Jon; Gary is sceptical about Elon powers as a psychic.

    Delilah remembers the song she wanted to use to calm Charlie down; over the phone Regina apologizes to Jon then asks for his help; Katherine joins Eddie and Theo as have their camping trip; Maggie sees her mother with Eric.

S2:EP3 mixed signals

    (Flashback) Eddie admires a stretch on the table made by himself and Katherine as they became romantic then kiss.

    Trailer for S2E3 ABC's "Cast From The Past" Week featuring Jerry Ferrara

    Delilah confronts Danny over Elliot; Gary calls his mother but hangs up; Katherine, Theo and Eddie prepare a pancake dinner, lets tells Katherine he took her suitcase so she won't leave; PJ sends off Jon's sweater for a DNA test.

    Eddie and Katherine play pool at a bar then kiss, then get a call to pick up Theo.

    Danny sings to himself when Gary comes in; (repeats) Gary helps Danny practice for his audition; Gary sneaks a peak at Danny's audition.

S2:EP4 the perfect storm

S2:EP5 austin

    Maggie drops off a package at a post box; Gary reads over Maggie's funeral plans then find sthe flyer for the Open-mic Night at the paino bar; Delilah and the kids finish editing Charlie's birth announcement photo; Maggie performs at her apartment; Eddie kisses Katherine as walks back to their bed room then tells her he "love's her" before parting ways; Eric watches the show at the piano bar, Gary comes to the bar then leaves.

    Deliliah takes a family photo with Sophie, Danny, and Charlie along with their friends; Eddie and Katherine kiss; Gary sees Maggie feeding Colin cheese; Maggie tells Gary that she needs find her own way outside of them and cancer.

S2:EP6 unleashed

    Rome, Regina, Maggie, and Sophie follow PJ to Colin in the basement of the apartment building; Katherine cradles Charlie; Eric looks at a picture of Cassie.

S2:EP7 ten years

    Catherine and Eddie have moment as she presents from with a cake for 10 anniversary of being sober; Rome and Regina find PJ's DNA test at their door; Gary arrives takes Colin/Wesley back to his owner; Sophie and Danny join Delilah in bed with Charlie; Catherine welcomes Eddie back into their bedroom; Rome and Regina open up the DNA test.

    Eddie and Sophie sing for Theo on his birthday; Regina tells Delilah that sees the situtation from Catherine side.

S2:EP8 goodnight

No songs available for this episode.

S2:EP9 time stands still

S2:EP10 the kiss

No songs available for this episode.

S2:EP11 we’re the howards

    Delilah turns on Charlie's dance mix in order to get her to stay awake when Rome calls; (repeats) [0:34] Rome and Regina make Sophie up after her night of drinking.

    Eddie listens to Dakota's track then tells Katherine that Trevor didn't sign him but wants him to look after Dakota instead.

    Rome and Regina watch Sophie eat dinner; Delilah listens to the silence in the house after Charlie goes down to sleep; Delilah receives a picture of Sophie from Rome and Regina; Katherine, Eddie and Theo watch a video of Dakota singing; Maggie sends the final part of her work to Randy; Gary throws out his running shows and marathon tag then finds the 'I'm in' post-it from Maggie; Maggie texts Eric; Regina and Rome finish their video for the potential baby's birth parent(s).

S2:EP12 guilty

S2:EP13 daisy

    Elena break the pinata as everyone cheers her on.

S2:EP14 the sleepover

    Elliot tells Danny that he's change his life forever then gives him a ticket from this first date at the arcade; Maggie calls Gary to formerly tell him that she's okay and apologizes for not texting or calling; Katherine calls Rome to check in on Eve.

S2:EP15 the lunch

S2:EP16 change of plans

No songs available for this episode.

S2:EP17 one year later

    Eddie and Sophie embrace one another after visiting Jon's grave; Everyone gathers for the dinner in celebration of Jon's life.

    Regina tells Maggie that Gary is still in love with her, Maggie then tells her that she's leaving for Oxford; Katherine suggest to Eddie that they renew their vows then proposes to him; Rome's father apologizes to him and brings him a gift; Gary makes a call asking someone to meet up; After hanging the glow-in-the-dark stars, Rome, Regina and Walter turn off the lights to see them glow; Gary meets up with Darcy at a bar.

S2:EP18 mothers and daughters

    Maggie turns on music as she has a few last moments in her apartment; (Flashback) of Maggie; Eddie and Darcy race on the monkey-bars; Sophie gives Deliah her phone as she has a call from her date; Rome and Regina open up their baby shower gifts alone; Katherine reads Theo her new wedding vows; Eddie and Lindsey have a run in with their dead friends dad; Darcy suggest to Gary that they have dinner at his place; Maggie sees Gary and Darcy kiss, she breaks down.

S2:EP19 ’til death do us part



Gabriel Mann






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