2023 91 Songs
City view; Coach Baker watches Spencer James play for South Crenshaw High School.
Spencer intercepts the ball as Coach Baker watches from the stands.
Spencer walks home and listens to music in his room.
Spencer and Coop discuss the Beverly Hills offer, as they walk down the school hallway.
Coop and Spencer play around in the hallway; Spencer receives an A+ on an exam.
Bus trip to Beverly Hills High School.
Olivia tells Spencer about the high school; Spencer takes notice of Layla.
Jordan picks up Spencer.
Pool hangout; Spencer and Layla chat.
Spencer arrives at Layla's party.
Layla asks Spencer if he's having fun; Jordan talks Spencer out of leaving.
Spencer does shots with the others.
As they walk to the court in their neighborhood, Coop urges Spencer to take the opportunity he's been given.
Coop gives Spencer her opinion on his situation; Spencer takes the bus to Coach Baker's house.
The game; Spencer suggests a play to Coach and is told to take Asher's place.
Layla apologizes to Spence and suggests they be friends; the Coach tells Spencer his transfer is being contested.
Spencer moves into the Baker house; Layla sits in her empty living room; Billy visits Grace and says they need to tell Spencer the truth.
'The Line' trailer.
Flashback to Spencer as a kid, scoring in a football game.
Spencer, Jordan and a few of the other guys throw a ball back and forth at the beach.
Spencer has a shower, then Olivia accidentally walks in on him in the bathroom.
Practice; Asher ends up with a sprained ankle.
Olivia and Spencer arrive at the Beverly High Boosters Club party.
Coach Baker is given advice by the boosters; Layla pulls aside Spencer to talk outside.
Coach Baker talks to the team before they head back on the field.
Beverly Hills plays Hawthorne until the end of the first half.
Shawn orders Coop to deliver a package.
Spencer joins Coop at the park and reminisces about when they first met, then tells her he's worried about her; Spencer arrives at the Baker household just in time for dinner.
Spencer and the Bakers sit down to dinner; flashback to a young Spencer running away after his mom tells him his father is not there, as Billy looks on.
Ep 103 / 'Stay Real' promo.
Spencer and Jordan have breakfast and head to practice; Coach Baker insists the team workout until they show they can work together.
Coop stops by the church to see her mother, as the choir is rehearsing.
The team practices defending against tackles.
Spencer heads back home for the weekend; [0:32] repeats as the game between Crenshaw and Beverly Hills starts; Grace shows up at the game, then Coop stops her from interfering.
While they walk to a cafe, Olivia asks Layla why they were partnered together for their English assignment.
Olivia and Layla start work on their English project at a cafe, as they're joined by Asher and JJ.
Layla offers to grab food for the group; Olivia confronts Asher about their secret.
Backyard party at the James house.
Jordan joins the James party and is introduced to Spencer's friends.
Olivia teases Layla about crying at the end of movies.
Jordan joins in the debate about greatest musicians; continues as Jordan continues acing the music trivia.
The Beverly Hills and Crenshaw teams meet at the field to play each other.
Patience kisses Coop, then asks her to play another song; Coop is awakened by her mother's arrival.
Layla joins Olivia at a bench overlooking the city; Coop shows up at the James house after being kicked out by her mom; when his dad takes him to get his hair cut in Crenshaw, Jordan discovers his dad used to date Spencer's mom.
Ep 104 / 'Returns November 7th' promo.
The team finally starts working together and winning games.
Shawn tosses Coop a duffel bag of money he picked up at a laundromat.
As they hangout by the pool, Layla invites Olivia to Asher's party and suggests she bring Spencer.
Olivia and Spencer arrive at Asher's party; Layla suggests Olivia tell Spencer how she feels about him.
JJ talks Spencer into checking out Asher's father's Porsche.
Shawn takes Coop to the barbershop, where she's offered a job cutting hair.
Layla wins a round of poker and challenges him to go skinny dipping with Olivia.
Asher puts in a Dare Chip and JJ demands a spin in his father's Porsche.
Laura thanks her guests for coming and supporting her run for D
Laura thanks her guests for coming and supporting her run for D
JJ and Asher return with the Porsche, then Layla suggests the game is getting out of hand.
Spencer and Asher take his father's car to a garage in Crenshaw.
Spencer goes to the barbershop to talk to Coop about the missing Porsche, then she tells him to talk to Shawn.
Shawn forces Spencer to admit that he needs his help.
Spencer and Asher return the Porsche.
Spencer applies for a job at a cafe; Coop cleans up at the barbershop as Shawn comes in to collect a pile of money; Olivia pretends to be her mother to call the bank about her father's Crenshaw payments.
Spencer receives a call from his mom, then she and Dylan sing 'Happy Birthday' to him.
Olivia acts awkwardly when she runs into Spencer in the hall.
Grace receives a call from Laura about a get together for Spencer.
Coop and Dylan present Spencer with a birthday cake.
Patience asks Coop why she never wants to go out.
Olivia stops by the cafe to apologize to Spencer, then he tells her about skipping the game where his dad is playing.
Olivia and Jordan drive out to investigate the Crenshaw address where their dad is sending money.
The James family and Coop arrives at the Baker residence; Olivia encourages Coop to check out the backyard.
Jordan and Olivia argue over whether Spencer is their brother; Asher's buddies tease him about the Porsche being wrecked and ask how he got it fixed; Spencer asks Coop why she didn't bring Patience to the party.
Coop confesses to Patience about going to Spencer's party and why she lied; Billy tells Spencer he can't always do it on his own and he hopes Spencer chooses to be part of his family.
Patience and Coop walk down the street hand-in-hand; Spencer tells his mom that he's giving up on the idea of getting to know his father; Layla's father introduces her to a new woman; Billy drops by Willie's house and tells him that if he can't accept Laura, he can't be part of their lives, then Willie brings up Grace's history with Billy and Corey James.
Ep 106 'The Choice Is Yours' promo.
Jordan anger towards Asher leads to problems on the field.
Spencer receives a text from Coop apologizingfor missing the game; Asher has dinner with Layla and her father.
Spencer takes the bus back to Crewshaw and meets up with Coop.
Alvin asks Coop to keep an eye on the shop, while he goes to set up for the block party.
Shawn asks JP for a photo with him; Layla suggests an opening song for China; China's confusion about Alvin raises Layla's suspicions.
Shawn tells Coop he got JP's card, then tells Coop he plans to move his money from Alvin's; Layla confronts China about misrepresenting her Crenshaw background.
Layla watches her father drive off after then clear the air; Spencer asks Layla how things went with her father; Olivia sees Spencer and Layla kissing.
Opening title; Coop walks down the street on the way to Shawn's apartment.
Spencer delivers a pizza to a table that ends up being a homecoming invitation.
Laura informs Billy that Grace will chaperone the dance with him instead of her.
Students arrive for the Homecoming dance; Billy compliments Grace as they arrive at the dance.
Layla complains to Asher about the missing football banner; Coop steps in to stop a confrontation between Asher and Spencer.
Jordan's date suggests they leave the dance; Coop gives Spencer and Chris hell for ignoring each other; Chris tells Spencer he thinks that Olivia still has feelings for him; Layla breaks up with Asher.
Spencer joins Layla at the overlook, then tells her she should take some time before they get involved; Layla asks Spencer if they can finish their dance.
The school gym is cleaned up after the Homecoming dance; Spencer arrives by in Crenshaw.
Layla and Olivia talk about the problems between them, then Olivia suggests that Spencer would be a good choice for Layla.
Spencer tells Layal he would hever turn her down, then she wishes him luck at the game; Shawn calls Coop to tell her he got out from under Tyrone; Shawn is shot in retaliation for Bonez.
Coop tells Grace about Shawn's death; Spencer arrives home and expresses his condolences to Coop.
The Eagles get a touchdown after changing up their plays, then tie up the game.
Spencer and Layla kiss.
Spencer tells Layla he doesn't want to keep fighting his feelings for her; Coop and Patience visit Shawn's memorial; Asher dad tells him he's being sent to stay with his mother; Billy informs the team they need to be drug tested.
Football practice.
Layla tracks down Asher to encourage him to stop partying and get back to school.
Layla and Spencer discuss the negative news article written about him, then she urges him to go to the awards ceremony.
Patience sings at Shawn's funeral; Tyrone tells Spencer that Shawn warned everyone else from going after him, because he knew Spencer would make something of himself.
Asher stops by the cafe to bring Layla a bouquet of flowers and declare his love, but she tells him she's with Spencer now.
Flashback to Spencer talking to Shawn at his brother's grave, trying to convince him not to retaliate; Spencer visits Shawn's grave.
Spencer drops by his old high school to check on Coop.
Montage of Spencer, Kia and others working on the plan to clean up the park.
At the cafe, as pair of classmates confront Layal about her relationship with Spencer; Olivia warns Layla about Gabby.
Montage of Spencer and his friends trying to get signatures for his gang ban law, while Kia's uncle attempts to talk people out of signing.
Spencer throws around a football with Dillon and his friends in the park.
Ep 111 'All Eyez On Me' promo.
Coop tells Patience the truth about her intentions for Tyrone over dinner.
While helping her father, Olivia notices that Asher was invited to the Combine.
Spencer discovers some of his old teammates were invited to the Combine.
Asher announces he's present; montage of the players going through the Combine testing.
Spencer and Cam race.
Spencer arrives at the Combine dinner and tries to talk to Brett about the envelope of money he found.
Jordan is advised to stop holding back when he plays; Asher admits to Brett that he was kicked off the team; Spencer gives Billy the envelope of money.
Layla invites Asher to stay at her house; Grace tells her sons she plans to get a loan for school, but needs their help.
Ep 112 'Back In The Day' promo.
Olivia finds her family too busy to talk with her.
Flashback to Olivia high on drugs, dancing around her room.
Flashback to Olivia announcing in the school hallway that she's throwing a party at her house.
Spencer and Coop talk about his date plans with Layla, when they come across her father.
Coop's dad tells her that he and her mom want her to come back home; Layla urges Olivia to tell her family how she's struggling with her sobriety.
Flashback to Olivia kissing Asher at the party, then pulling him to her bedroom.
Coop walks away from her parents after finding out the truth about why she was invited to dinner.
Coop's father tells her he quit his job, because he doesn't want to lose her, then gives her the signed emancipation papers.
Spencer tells Layla that he's sorry he wasn't honest with her about his feelings.
Jordan holds Olivia's hand at an NA meeting; flashback to Jordan finding Olivia unconscious on the couch; Olivia receives her 1 Year sobriety medallion.
Ep 113 promo.
Coop goes to a laundromat to do a pick-up for Tyrone.
Layla lists off the meager contents of her fridge, then she and Spencer discuss their personal essays; Grace leaves class.
Coop continues to sow seeds of discord among Tyrone's crew.
Spencer tells Asher about seeing his mom with Micah; Spencer apologizes to Layla for pressuring her to let him read her essay.
Jordan works out as his grandpa supervises.
Beverly High plays Logan.
Beverly Hills scores in the last few seconds of the game.
Billy reads Spencer's essay; Layla works on a new song; Olivia shows her mom her essay; Coop asks Ray about his time in prison, then he gives her a warning; Grace and Spencer arrive home to find Cory waiting for them.
Ep 114 'Regulate' promo.
Layla returns home to find that Asher is running a casino in her living room.
Grace, Spencer and Coop sing to Dylan; Spencer finds Cory standing at their front door.
Billy and Laura arrive at the birthday party and give Dylan his present; Billy asks Spencer how he's doing with his dad back in town.
Grace hands out cotton candy as Micah arrives at the party; Patience reveals to Spencer that Coop has been having nightmares about Shawn's murder.
Spencer apologizes to Micah for how he treated him before, spots Preach hanging out across the park, then asks Coop why she's leaving early.
Layla receives a call from the police saying they found the thieves.
Ep 115 'Best Kept Secret' promo.
The game; Billy gives the team a pep talk after the game about making it to state finals.
Chris congratulates Spencer and Jordan on their team making it to finals, then invites the group to a party at his place; Olivia asks Asher if everything's going okay with his dad.
Coop and Patience walk down the street together and run into one of Preach's guys, who reveals the plan is still on to get revenge on Shawn.
After Billy's revelation, Grace goes to tell her kids and finds them joking around together.
Coop and Spencer arrive at Chris' party.
Olivia tells Layla about the affair and discovers that she and Spencer already knew; Jordan confronts Spencer over not telling her about the affair; Asher keeps Olivia from having a drink.
Chris and Asher get into an argument over Olivia; Spencer talks to Coop about having his dad back in their lives; Jordan goes after a guy who insinuates he's only a quarterback because his dad is the coach.
Olivia tells her mom not to give up on her campaign; Spencer introduces Dillon to their father; the Bakers have a family photo shoot; Spencer says grace at a family dinner; Cooper and Patience find Preach shot on the street.
Spencer walks down the street in Crenshaw, while listening to music on his headphones.
People start arriving for the Championship game.
Montage of Crenshaw getting a touchdown, then Spencer being tackled.
Spencer tackles Chris.
Spencer tells Coach Baker he's sorry for walking off the field, but he's ready to play.
Beverly scores and ties up the game.
Billy goes to stay with his father; Layla starts destroying her father's furnishings; Olivia consoles Layla.
The James family plays a game together; Cory tells Spencer that he was offered a coaching position at South Crenshaw.
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