2023 91 Songs
Grand opening of Jammin Jerome's Car Stereo.
Opening scene. Andre' rolls thru the neighborhood. Girl buying crack holds onto car driving down the street. Andre' chases the car on foot.
Oso learns Lorena is working with Teddy (Reed) and gets rid of her.
LAPD bust in on the cookhouse.
Mel teaches Franklin how to skate.
Franklin and Leon walk into the skating ring. He talks to Mel who's working behind the shoe counter.
Leon skates and gets his freak on. Mel brings Franklin some skates.
LAPD make multiple busts in the hood and Jerome and Louie's
Teddy is making plans at the office.
Teddy and Rigo talk business at the pool party .
Andre' and Sheila get to know one another over drinks.
Andre is toasted to and celebrated at a bar.
Leon, Manboy and Fatback arrive at Skully's.
Teddy tells Rigo they own the club. He resumes the drops.
Teddy and Rigo do a walkthrough of a club before buying it.
Andre and Nix talk at the bar.
Franklin meets Reed (Teddy) in a garage to make an exchange. They go to a diner.
Franklin goes to see Mrs. Mosley at the bookstore.
Franklin and crew go to Avi's. He tells Avi he's not the same kid he first met.
Mel and Reece kiss on the dance floor. She tries crack for the first time.
Mel is laying on her bed listening to music thru headphones.
Rigo comes onto Julia on the dance floor. She turns him down.
Mel and Eva arrive at the house party. Reece takes Mel to the dance floor.
Mel and Wanda sit and talk after skating. Wanda steals Mel's necklace.
Mel gets 'eaten' by Reece.
Leon changes the radio in Franklin's car to gospel and fires up a jont.
Franklin and Leon go to Fatback's house looking for Mel.
Mel realizes her dad took her money, and Franklin accepts the reality he created.
Franklin goes to pickup Leon.
Mel and Wanda pull up to a house to buy crack.
Andre is looking for his car in the projects.
Mel and Wanda eat, drink and smoke crack at the skating ring.
Franklin, Leon and Manboy go to the two dealers house looking for Mel and Wanda.
Mel is in getting high smoking crack in her bedroom. She starts tweakin' (selling) stuff off to support her habit.
Franklin finds Mel tweakin' a camera off at a rock house.
Nix and fellow officers drink at a bar and contemplate how Andre' died.
Franklin pulls up on a street corner.
Franklin has a panic attack in his car
Louie and Jerome talk while hiding out at Rob's house watching him swim with some girls.
Teddy and Franklin meet at a taqueria. He tries to talk Franklin down to a calm frame of mind.
Franklin lays the law down to Teddy. Tells him he's gotta protect his people. Closing credits.
Franklin bathes in ice. Realizing the world he's built around him.
Franklin gets kicked out of college. He goes ham on the administrator.
Franklin at the table with Jerome. Hard knocks at the door cause stress, but it turns out to be Leon.
Franklin walks thru a college campus to his dorm and finds he's been evicted.
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