Snowfall Soundtrack

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Season 3
Episode 6 • Confessions
C.O.D. (I'll Deliver)
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Mel is laying on her bed listening to music thru headphones.
Hard Times
The Jetzons
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Teddy and Rigo do a walkthrough of a club before buying it.
Instant Replay
Dan Hartman
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Teddy tells Rigo they own the club. He resumes the drops.
You Put the Spice in My Life
Dale Chafin
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Andre and Nix talk at the bar.
Burning Up
Donnell Pitman
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Franklin and crew go to Avi's. He tells Avi he's not the same kid he first met.
Ain't Gonna Wait Too Long
Thomas Meloncon
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Franklin goes to see Mrs. Mosley at the bookstore.
The New Rap Language
Spoonie Gee & The Treacherous Three
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Franklin meets Reed (Teddy) in a garage to make an exchange. They go to a diner.
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Equidity Funk
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Mel and Eva arrive at the house party. Reece takes Mel to the dance floor.
Greg Kihn Band
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Mel and Reece kiss on the dance floor. She tries crack for the first time.
You Bring Out The Best In Me
D.I.T. Band
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You Bring out the Best in Me
D.I.T. Band
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Rigo comes onto Julia on the dance floor. She turns him down.
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Leon gets speakers in his trunk at Jammin' Jerome's.
6 years ago
What’s the name of the instrumental song that played when franklin is in the library and is looking at a newspaper clipping about a single gunshot to the head?
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6 years ago
what was the Egypt RAP SONG when they were in Compton at that crazy guys pad
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6 years ago
Who sang the "Greg Kihn song "Jeopardy" on Snowfall? It was a female and not the GKBand.
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6 years ago
What was the song In the beginning where the girl was laying in bed with her headphones on and there guy comes to the bedroom door?
1 replies
6 years ago
It’s called C.O.D (I’ll deliver) by Mtume
6 years ago
At 18:00 minute mark What was the song playing in the new club that Reed Thompson had just purchased for the drug lord and the drug lord propositioned the female agent with Reed for sex? My Shazam will not pick it up at all. The song played a solid 2 minutes and Reed had sex while the song played out.
2 replies
6 years ago
Thank yo so much for finding that song @mike_dyson. How did you find it? I could not Shazam it at al.
6 years ago
I had the same question and did a little research on my own. It's the D.I.T Band "you bring out the best in me." Boom!
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