2024 59 Songs
A young couple hears people fighting while the song plays on the radio.
Everyone celebrates and cheers for Ezekiel on his birthday.
Tensions rise, and a fight breaks out.
Metalhead and Hope engage in a conversation.
Miguel enters the bar, observing his surroundings.
Angel and Felipe engage in a conversation while the song plays in the background.
Adelita delivers the payment to her boss from the farmers.
EZ shaves his hair off, with his girlfriend's assistance outside their trailer.
End credits song.
Adam throws a party at his place where people are getting high. Hope feels uneasy and attempts to leave.
Letty unexpectedly enters the scene with a knife, leading to a chaotic situation with gunshots.
Coco asks Letty to leave the house, but she refuses and they share a heartfelt hug.
End credits.
Bottles and Elio work on setting up a new shed for their merchandise.
Bottles rushes into the bar to find rags for Sofia.
The Mayans prepare to transport their next shipment.
Adelita notices a young girl crying and seeking refuge among the wine bottles.
Angel receives a gun while in a car during the opening scene.
Lucky visits the Mayans' warehouse to discuss the ongoing war with the Sons.
Bishop embraces Richie's daughter.
EZ returns home to his girlfriend after the meeting between the Mayans and the Sons.
Ending credits song.
Maggie sits next to Bishop and sings the lyrics of this song while playing the guitar.
EZ observes the gang preparing drugs and requests 15 kilograms to be pressed.
The girls, including Hope, demolish appliances in the yard, smashing two microwaves.
Adelita collects the cash, steals a car, and calls for Mini. Serafin confronts her with a gun.
Adelita fights her way out of the building after being injured.
Adelita gets out of the car, takes the bag of cash, and calls for Mini. Serafin threatens her with a gun
Jess and Nestor have a conversation in the car before he fatally shoots her.
Miguel returns home with the child, and they sit together on the bed.
Downer tells Guero that everybody knows why he did what he did.
Marcus makes French toast for his family for breakfast. This song plays on the radio.
Taza arrives at Neron's funeral. Yvette gives a eulogy, stating that her brother was intense but cared greatly about his family
Angel arrives home with his son Maverick. The Mayans pay their last respects as they put the coffin in the hearse.
Guero does not believe Prospect has met such a beautiful girl. Prospect shows him her texts.
Bottles and Guero ride in the back of a stranger's pickup truck.
Isaac is crying in his office. Hoosier asks the other guys if they should drag the bodies out.
After the accident, EZ rides in Wendy's truck. EZ asks about her ex.
Angel is driving home when he sees the cops parked in front of his dad's house
No songs available for this episode.
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