Music from
Mayans MC Season 1 Soundtrack
2018-130 songs-523K views
Music from
Mayans MC Season 1 Soundtrack
2018-130 songs-523K views
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Perro/Oc
not the song with the childrens orcesta
not the song with the childrens orcesta
not the song with the childrens orcesta
Second song from the Mayans MC trailer.
First song from the trailer
Theme song from Mayans Mc.
S1:EP2 Escorpión/Dzec
Song during the fight at dog shelter.
The Mayans chase down Louie.
S1:EP3 Búho/Muwan
The Mayans arrive at the Tribal casino.
S1:EP4 Bat/Zotz
S1:EP5 Uch/Opossum
S1:EP6 Gato/Mis
Final song at the end of the episode as we see Galindo in prison.
S1:EP7 Cucaracha/K'uruch
First song as Angel stands up and leaves the table.
S1:EP8 Rata/Ch’o
S1:EP9 Serpiente/Chikchan
S1:EP10 Cuervo/Tz'ikb'uul
No songs available for this episode.