Station 19 Season 6 Soundtrack
Station 19 Season 6 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S6:EP1 Twist and Shout
Andy leads a community self-defense class; Maya and Sullivan silently compete in the weight room; Beckett makes Travis clean the truck.
Natasha and Sullivan are flirting and seen by another team member; End.
S6:EP2 Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey
The team is fighting a fire and they are losing; Andy has an idea to drain water from the pool to help fight the flames.
No one can stand the silence in the firetruck anymore so Beckett asks for some tunes; He turns on the radio and up full blast and sings; Maya is fully drowned out.
At Joe's Bar, Jack decides not to share his day with Eva.
Ben tells Maya good looking out for Andy.
S6:EP3 Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Maya works out as hard as she can to blow off steam; Jack and Eva are woken up by a knock at the door.
Maya is punishing herself through a workout; Jack hears a noise outside; At Eva's house, the crew is cleaning up; Jack fights back his emotions; Andy sees Jack in the window.
S6:EP4 Demons
Jack is drunk, alone; Sullivan and Maya transport an ND patient to GSM; Travis is holding a Mayoral meet-n-greet; Carina is in bed; Eva arrives home, Jack rolls over and sees a ghost.
Sullivan drives to meet his online date at her cabin.
Theo and Maya arrive at the Halloween carnival; Corn maze catches fire.
Jack stands up to a random guy at the bar, punches are thrown.
Maya finds a father and his son trapped in a burning corn maze; The father tells Maya to save his son over himself; The S19 team takes action and saves everyone.
Two people slow dance and get in the jacuzzi tub in their room; Ben pranks Beckett; A S19 woman is breaking down and crying by herself.
S6:EP5 Pick Up The Pieces
Andy tries on different outfits getting ready to go out.
Andy, Sullivan, and Raphael race toward the battery recycling plant.
Maya's running on the treadmill; Carina's calling her and decides to do the pregnancy test alone.
S6:EP6 Everybody Says Don't
Vic calling Maya at beginning of episode.
The team rescues the man in the helicopter.
When Hugues hugs the girl who has performed CPR on the girls and is crying.
Maya runs on treadmill; The department called out for a response.
S6:EP7 We Build Then We Break
A woman lies unconscious next to the treadmill; A firefighter cleans up the barn and Bishop's turnouts; Jack plays basketball, makes a sandwich, washes dishes.
A group of older ladies walk the 'catwalk' and strut their stuff at Station 19 as the firemen cheer them on; A lot of fun and laughter until Dottie waivers a bit and they make sure she is ok.
Vic finds an article about Dixon; Two people talk about their future, they kiss; A S19 member drinks on the job; A woman packs her things to move out; Andy is going to be there for her friend.
Song belongs in Season 6 Episode 8 of Station 19.
S6:EP8 I Know A Place
Maya is doing a deep clean of the apartment; Someone is getting ready for their first day back at St.19.
Maya gets in touch with her inner child to heal; A grandmother is pulled from the smoking building.
S6:EP9 Come as You Are
Maya meditates; Carina braces for her return to the clinic.
At the barbershop, Vic spots a problem; Tomas says arson is the neighborhood problem; (repeats) Theo and Vic find a dangerous situation; They confront Tomas, he says he just needs time.
In the locker room, two people run into each other; At a woman's apartment, she speaks to her partner and asks them to please stay.
S6:EP10 Even Better Than the Real Thing
Montage; Ben works in a barn; Vic and Sullivan work out; Theo dresses and prepares for the day; S19 rush to pull on turnouts and head to a call.
Montage; The chief yells commands to 19's crew; The firefighters move through the burning building, and then there is an explosion; 19's crew finds two men who were injured.
Brooke wants to get to know Jack; Ben facetimes with a loved one; Someone from Station 19 drinks too much; A man gives a woman advice in the station's locker room.
S6:EP11 Could I Leave You?
The Station 19 crew breaches the back door of the burning barbershop; Sullivan updates Andy; One of the captains tries to save a man.
S6:EP12 Never Gonna Give You Up
Vic tries to make a call; Travis lies on the bed; Vic thinks there is an intruder.
Two people are rescued from the bottom of a cave; montage.
Ben decides to make a run for Grey Sloane Memorial; Ross names an interim captain; Ben continues to run.
S6:EP13 It's All Gonna Break
19's arrives; Neighbor Celia is upset with the Neely boys.
Andy and Sullivan inspect the outside of the house; Two brothers are fighting.
The crew enters the house to try and save Gabe.
Carina visits Bishop at Station 19.
S6:EP14 Get It All Out
The Station 19 crew preps a family style dinner.
A woman's arm is stuck in the vending machine; S19 crew members are working to free it because she is in labor.
S6:EP15 What Are You Willing to Lose
Plays during the bar scene with Maya and Carina talking
At the end, Ben comes back from the hospital; Maya and Carina arrive; Everyone is having breakfast for dinner; A new firefighter arrives.
S6:EP16 Dirty Laundry
Chief Ross sees the headlines about the scandal in the newspaper; Sullivan works out; Chief Ross clears her schedule; Vic searches for the remote.
S6:EP17 All These Things That I've Done
Vic unpacks old records in Beckett's garage; She puts on a record player and starts to sing.
The S19 team rescues a man from a car wash accident; Vic and Beckett play basketball.
Two men make amends; Vic and Beckett wait for his ride outside; Jack reunites with a family member; Montage.
S6:EP18 Glamorous Life
The Station 19 crew starts to arrive at the Firefighter's Ball.
Ben and Bailey run into Kitty at the Firefighter's Ball.
At the Firefighter's Ball bar, Travis talks about Ross; Jack's date is very awkward.
At the Firefighter's Ball, Jack's date with Kate is awkward; Jack meets Nanette; Andy pleads her case to Robe; Kitty opens the ball.
At the Firefighter's Ball, Theo and Vic argue; Natasha and Andy talk.
Andy and Farris inspect the possible cause of the fire.
The dance floor is packed; Nanette is in labor and talks to Jack; Jack goes to get his keys and finds two people kissing in the coat closet; Andy realizes that the floors at the gym are compromised.
Everyone is dancing and jumping to the song at the Firefighter's Ball; The floor collapses.
Search and rescue after the floor collapse; Carina begins CPR on Nanette; A man is crushed under the rubble.
Montage after the floor collapse.