Station 19 Soundtrack

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Season 2
Episode 16 • For Whom the Bell Tolls
We Tried
Young Summer
Jack tells Dean that what happened to Ripley could happen to any of them; Travis contemplates his wedding ring; Sullivan takes out his frustration on a punching bag; Victoria lies to a diner waiter about her 'husband's' whereabouts.
Where I First Found You
Forest Blakk
Andy advises Sullivan to just talk from the heart; the crew get ready for the funeral; Travis tells Victoria there is still time to get ready for the funeral.
Amazing Grace
Scallywag Mutiny
Bagpipers play as Ripley's body is taken to the church.
Let a Little Love In
Caleb Hawley
The crew hangs out at a bar; Dean introduces Nikki to the guys; Jack tells Sullivan his eulogy was really moving; Andy tells Maya she's okay with Jack staying over.
Love Is The Answer
Natalie Taylor
Maya asks Andy if she's sure she doesn't have feelings for Sullivan; Victoria returns to the diner and finally admits the truth about her 'husband' to waiter Cam; Ben offers to drive Travis home; Travis punches out a firefighter who wants the scoop on Victoria.
C'mon, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Get the ball rolling and be the first.