Station 19 Soundtrack

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Season 2
Episode 7 • Weather the Storm
Ain't No Grave
Zach Winters
Opening sequence, massive storm in progress, the winds are blowing AID CAR 19 sideways.
Our Time Will Come
Warren emerges from the burning house with a pair of babies, then heads back in to rescue Ruth.
Never Get The Best Of Me
Anna Schulze
Victoria convinces Ripley that she's fully consenting to a relationship with him, then they make out in the station locker room.
Claire Guerreso
Jack yells at Pruitt when he tries to help him; Ryan informs his father that he knows about the warrant out for his arrest; Dean apologizes to Warren for not being more enthusiatic about the Thanksgiving meal; the crew sits down for dinner; Ripley announces that Maya is getting a promotion and transfer; Maya leaves Andy a message.
6 years ago
Song I don’t be want to let you go serious 1 please give details of song
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