For The People Season 1 Soundtrack
For The People Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Pilot
Hand-pulled noodle house #3.
End of day montage; Series premiere trailer.
S1:EP2 Rahowa
Dry cleaners and luggage.
A train delay leads to drinks at the bar.
"You won a trial because you had a trial"; end of day montage; shared cereal.
S1:EP3 18 Miles Outside Of Roanoke
Kate and Sandra head into their respective offices and start their workday.
Allison talks Sandra into going home to celebrate; Leonard tells Kate she needs to come out for drinks; Leonard receives a text from Hanna; Allison surprises Sandra with a visit from her brother.
S1:EP4 The Library Fountain
Montage of Seth setting up a section of his apartment.
S1:EP5 World's Greatest Judge
Montage of Judge Nicholas Byrne getting ready for his day.
Court assembles for Judge Byrne's sentence of Mr. Puente.
S1:EP6 Everybody's A Superhero
Allison tells Jill she's figured out the defense she plans to use for Arturo's case.
Kate and Anya kiss; Allison arrives home and is told by Sandra that they finally have working internet, then the two head out for dinner.
S1:EP7 Have You Met Leonard Knox?
Leonard plasy pool with hid buddies while they discuss who should be speaker for their Harvard alumni event.
Montage of Leonard getting up & working out.
S1:EP8 Flippity-Flop
Kate agrees it's good her case was settled; Seth finds Allison waiting in his office; Jay's father turns down his offer of financial help; Kate helps feed a chameleon; Jill and Roger go to dinner together.
S1:EP9 Extraordinary Circumstances
Anya complains about Kate's alarm clock going off so early.
Allison offers to buy the team drinks; Kate, Leonard and Roger watch a news story on Governor Shale's arrest, then head out for drinks.
S1:EP10 This Is What I Wanted To Say
Montage of people in bed; Allison checks on Sandra, who has been up all night preparing for a re-trial.
Allison goes to Toby's apartment to find out why he missed their meeting.
Leonard informs Kate that he already accepted the job in Texas, then she tells him she needs to leave; Allison goes back to Toby's place and kisses him; Kate shows up at Seth's place and they watch a movie together; Judge Byrne tells Sandra she's worthy.