Good Girls Season 1 Soundtrack
Good Girls Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 Pilot
S1:EP2 Mo Money Mo Problems
S1:EP3 Borderline
S1:EP4 Atom Bomb
S1:EP5 Taking Care of Business
Beth and Ruby being cleaning the money by shopping and returning brought items back.
Annie texts the guy from the store.
Beth sneaks back into her house, Emma tells her to take off her sneakers or she'll track in dirty; In her room, Beth looks at her picture of her, Dean and Emma.
Beth continues to spin a story about herself and Rio to Agent Turner then leaves.
S1:EP6 A View from the Top
Agent Turner walks through the woods; Beth and Dean discuss Dean's diagnosis with a doctor; Turner and the FBI drug the mini-van out of a lake.
Ruby, Stan and Harry put on a performance for Sara.
Beth, Ruby and Annie have drinks at a bar when Beth announces her plans for them in the forseeable future.
S1:EP7 Special Sauce
Dean asks Beth about the money as counts it; Dean sees all the book club members after Beth sends him out with the kids.
Beth ready to shows the Ruby and Annie her new necklace when she finds Rio and his guys there with guns.
A drunk Annie and Greg continue spending time together then share a kiss.
Beth warns Rio about point a gun at her again; Agent Turner turns to local law enforcement for the case.
S1:EP8 Shutdown
Annie, Greg and Sadie watch a musical; Greg asks Annie to talk about what happened the other night with them.
Montage as Beth, Annie, Ruby scope out the spa's then rob them for medical supplies.
Annie cries on Beth shoulder when Ruby arrives to tell them that boy they taking care of for Rio the FBI has him, they decide to tell Rio.
S1:EP9 Summer of the Shark
Ruby sings to Stan as tries to convince him to some week, Stan sings back to her after agreeing too.
Ruby aks for Stan to turn the song off as she's in no mood to dance as their high.
Mary Pat and Boomer sing with a choir.
Mary-Pat sings and Bommer joins in with her.
Beth drinks as works out calenders for the future of her children.
Beth tells Ruby and Annie that their the good guys and that maybe they should put Rio away before he can get to them.
S1:EP10 Remix
Beth, Annie and Ruby think of ways to take Rio down; Rio waits outside a diner then head inside; Ruby prepares to leave then decides not too and begins drinking with the girls; Rio tells FBI Agent Turner that Eddie isn't coming to meet with him and that trying to take him down is useless.
Beth and Ruby hold of the market again, they ask whose in charge and get an answer from Annie.
Boomer and Mary Pat country line dance at a county bar; recipts print out at cash registers.
Police arrive at the market; Tyler finds Annie taking the cash and holds her up; the police let the hostages go including Beth and Ruby; Annie pleads for Tyler allow her to get away with the money.
Dean sees a sexy jogger and crashes.
Beth takes a moment to herself as realizing that Dean doesn't have cancer then sees on the news that the FBI has evidence on the gang after taking thier tip.
Stan leaves Ruby; Beth arrives home to find Rio there with Dean, whose he's beaten up, she asks him not to kill them bt he gives her the gun instead which she holds up at him.