Friends Season 1 Soundtrack
Friends Season 1 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S1:EP1 The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate
Opening theme song from the series.
Phoebe sings this song to Rachel in order to cheer her up
Ross and Rachel each deal with their new feelings of loneliness.
Plays at the ending of the TV broadcasting.
S1:EP2 The One With the Sonogram at the End
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP3 The One with the Thumb
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP4 The One with George Stephanopoulos
It plays in the background when Chandler, Joey, and Ross are at the Hockey game, and Ross gets hit with the puck.
S1:EP5 The One with the East German Laundry Detergent
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP6 The One With the Butt
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP7 The One With the Blackout
Phoebe, Joey, and Monica are singing this song while Ross was fights off the cat.
S1:EP8 The One Where Nana Dies Twice
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP9 The One Where Underdog Gets Away
When Ross is singing to his unborn child, he is singing his own version of this song.
S1:EP10 The One With the Monkey
First song at their party.
Chandler gets his photo taken with Janice and Phoebe says goodbye to the science guy.
Song at the party after Rachel asks about the popularity of her dip.
S1:EP11 The One With Mrs. Bing
Music as Monica and Phoebe take care of the Coma Guy.
S1:EP12 The One With the Dozen Lasagnas
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP13 The One With the Boobies
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP14 The One With the Candy Hearts
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP15 The One With the Stoned Guy
Ross has Celia (the dirty talker) over, this song plays in the background.
S1:EP16 The One With Two Parts (1)
This song plays at the start of Phoebe's party, even before she arrives.
S1:EP17 The One With Two Parts (2)
This song plays at the start of Phoebe's party, even before she arrives.
Song plays when Ross and Marcel are in the hospital.
S1:EP18 The One With All the Poker
They whistle the tune of this song at the start of the episode.
Marcel the monkey plays this song.
S1:EP19 The One Where the Monkey Gets Away
Louisa attempts to tranquillise Marcel with a dart.
S1:EP20 The One With the Evil Orthodontist
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP21 The One With the Fake Monica
Marcel is taken away from them.
S1:EP22 The One With the Ick Factor
No songs available for this episode.
S1:EP23 The One With the Birth
Monica holds and comforts Ken.
S1:EP24 The One Where Rachel Finds Out
Rachel waits for Ross at the airport.