Runaways Season 2 Soundtrack
Runaways Season 2 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S2:EP1 Gimmie Shelter
The Runaways chase after a guy who stole Chase's gauntlets and the group's money; Molly uses her power to carry the shopping cart containing Old Lace.
Opening credits.
Jonah visits Victor's healing algorithm virtual reality, set in November 1976, and announces he needs another box made so he can heal.
S2:EP2 Radio On
Alex has dinner with Darius and his family and receives another payment; Alex and Livvie start putting away the leftovers, then she invites him to her room.
Nico tests out the staff by turning on a radio.
Nico changes the radio station, then Karolina comes to the room and they both apologize for what happened earlier.
S2:EP3 Double Zeros
Darius explains to Alex why he calls dominoes 'bones', as they play a game.
Julian goes back into Victor's virtual reality to check on his progress with the box.
Alex kisses Livvie goodbye as Darius arrives to take him to another job.
Darius warns Alex against rushing things with Livvie.
The Runaways rescue Alex before his father gets him on a plane.
S2:EP4 Old School
No songs available for this episode.
S2:EP5 Rock Bottom
Janet returns to Victor's virtual reality to ask if he could build something to destroy a gravitional wave engine; Victor gets to work on a new device.
S2:EP6 Bury Another
Nico asks Alex what he's doing to the technology they stole from Atlas.
Catherine leaves Geoffrey a message asking where his is; Alex informs his father that he kidnapped him and is now the one in charge.
S2:EP7 Last Rites
The lead Church Of Gibborim van starts driving by itself; Geoffrey and Alex work together to take out the secrurity at the building site, then the Runaways sneak in as Gert takes position as lookout.
Nico smashes the vial, then takes her vengeance for Amy's death; Karolina rushes to Jonah's side as every stands in shock.
S2:EP8 Past Life
Molly dances around to music, then asks Nico if she can join her on her outing.
S2:EP9 Big Shot
Livvie leads the Runaways into a restaurant, where Molly immediately recognizes a group of guys that grabbed her at the hotel, including AWOL.
Robert finds Tina eating cake instead of upgrading the servers.
Karolina hears a voice calling for her, then has an awkward conversation with Nico; Gert starting feeling ill; Chase and Molly try to tend to an ailing Old Lace.
S2:EP10 Hostile Takeover
S2:EP11 Last Waltz
The Runaways gather supplies to have a Quinceanera for Molly.
Molly joins the others for her Quinceanera; Gert tells the story of how Molly became her sister; Chase and Molly dance; montage of the Runaways dancing; [0:48] continues as Chase is reunited with his parents.
S2:EP12 Earth Angel
The ladies and Vaughn drive out to the desert to rescue Leslie.
S2:EP13 Split Up
Nico, Molly and Alex reunite at the mansion; Zavin informs the others that Jonah has Karolina and there are others aliens with him; Jonah's family discuss who to eat first.