Supergirl Season 4 Soundtrack
Supergirl Season 4 Soundtrack
Featured artists
S4:EP1 The American Alien
At the alien bar, J'onn drinks when Kara comes to apologize to him about their fight the day before,
S4:EP2 Fallout
J'onn inquires about Fiona then asks for her address.
Brainic-5 orders pizza at a restaurant when Nia arrives looking for coffee.
J'onn chats up a ex-cop at a bar and asks him about Fiona.
S4:EP3 Man of Steel
Six months ago - Professor Lockwood confronts his alien student over getting him fired, until Kara intervenes with a question about a karaoke song.
Ep 404 'Ahimsa" promo.
S4:EP4 Ahimsa
S4:EP5 Parasite Lost
While grabbing at drink at the bar, J'onn is told a store owner needs his help.
S4:EP6 Call to Action
Everyone comments on Alex use of can cranberry sauce then real cranberry's; Kara discusses round table interview with Ben Lockwood; Brainy and Manchester arrive for dinner; Eliza attempts to offer Nia help with her narcolepsy; James arrives for dinner; Manchester asks J'onn if he would use his powers on a innocent.
As the group discusses humans and aliens, Lena brings up the idea of giving humans superpowers.
Les Contes d'Hoffman, Act 4 Barcarolle: "Belle Nuit, Ô Nuit d'amour" [Giulietta, Niklausse]
Hei-Kyung Hong, Jennifer Larmore, Jesús López-Cobos & Munich Radio Orchestra
Brainy uses physics to take down a group of Children of Liberty members.
S4:EP7 Rather the Fallen Angel
James stops by Lena's office; J'onn goes to Kara and tearfully confesses he was wrong about Manchester.
S4:EP8 Bunker Hill
Supergirl flies off after refusing to reveal her identity, then watches as Ben Lockwood is led off in cuffs; Ben's wife starts a 'Liberty' chant outside the jail where he is taken.
S4:EP9 Elseworlds (III)
Barry and Oliver go to a bar looking for Cisco.
Oliver and Barry hang out at a bar in Central City and discuss what happened with switching powers and The Monitor.
S4:EP10 Suspicious Minds
Kara and Lena workout on indoor cycles then discuss Lena and James' relationship problems when Kara a crime happening.
Nia looks through the sketches Brainy made for her when her sister calls; James watches as Lena sleeps; DEO Agents begin to get tested by the alien; J'onn begins to erase then memories of the DEO Agents that know of Supergirl's civilian identity then erases Alex's memory.
S4:EP11 Blood Memory
As Kara drives them to Parthas, Nia talks about her family.
Kara and Nia finally arrive at Nia's family home where they are welcomed.
Braint in a "Frat Boy" act acts his way into getting information out of the Frat boys.
S4:EP12 Menagerie
Kara, Alex and J'onn arrive at Nia's party looking for Brainy.
J'onn and Kara find Brainy hiding in a closet to avoid Yvette.
Brainy tells the others what he found after analyzing the evidence.
S4:EP13 What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?
Cooper approaches Ben in a bar in DC and informs him that the members of the Children of Liberty are lossing faith in him then tells him about Manchester Black's escape from prison.
During his broadcast, Manchester challenges Supergirl.
S4:EP14 Stand and Deliver
Manchester, Hat, Menagerie and a Morae pause to sync up their watches, then Menagerie starts following a woman to a parking garage.
James takes photo of the chaos after the attack on the rally; the team pauses to look at people coming together around them.
S4:EP15 O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Serenade No. 13 In G Major, K. 525, "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik": I. Allegro
London Philharmonic Orchestra & Don Jackson
Lex activates his escape plan.
S4:EP16 The House of L
Three Years ago - Lex poisons the judge, attorneys and jury at this trial; continues as Lex gives Miss Tessmacher an assignment.
Red Daughter is shown the outside world, then freaks out when she hears a gunshot.
Montage of Red Daughter receiving packages of books from Lex and reading through them.
Four months ago - Lex gets Red Daughter a job as a waitress in America to demonstrate the differences between their countries, then he shows her Kara's apartment.
S4:EP17 All About Eve
No songs available for this episode.
S4:EP18 Crime and Punishment
No songs available for this episode.
S4:EP19 American Dreamer
Nia takes on Lockwood's men at Al's Bar.
S4:EP20 Will The Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up?
No songs available for this episode.
S4:EP21 Red Dawn
Midvale, 2007 - Kara expresses concerns about Alex heading off to college, then she accidentally sets off a rock slide.
S4:EP22 The Quest for Peace
The Kasnian forces invade America; Red Daughter fights Supergirl; Lex takes out the Kasnian army; Red Daughter watches as Supergirl dies.
Supergirl takes on Lex; Jimmy and Alex fight Ben then remove the Harum-El from him; Dreamer, Brainy, and J'onn release the imprisoned aliens.
Game night.
Eve in disguise waits for a bus when she's approach by a woman who reveals that her work is yet done and that the Leviathan is coming; The Monitor resurrects Ma'alefa'ak J'onzz; Lena lashes out as drinks at Kara and her friends betrayals; The Monitor appears before Lex's body.
Blake Neely, Daniel James Chan