How To Train Your Dragon Soundtrack

List of Songs
This Is Berk
John Powell
Opening titles. Hiccup introduces his island of Berk and tells about Vikings' confrontation with dragons
Dragon Battle
John Powell
The tribe is fighting dragons while Hiccup sneaks out of the smithy with his bolas cannon
The Downed Dragon
John Powell
Hiccup finds a Night Fury that he managed to down, but instead of killing he lets it go
Dragon Training
John Powell
Gobber trains the village youths in dragon fighting
John Powell
Hiccup notices that the Night Fury can't fly properly because of the missing part of the tail
The Dragon Book
John Powell
Hiccup reads the Dragon Book where all known to the tribe dragon species are listed
Focus, Hiccup!
John Powell
During the training session the youths try to find dragons' blind spots
Forbidden Friendship
John Powell
Hiccup befriends the dragon that he names Toothless and it finally lets Hiccup stroke him
New Tail
John Powell
Hiccup makes the missing part of the tail for Toothless
See You Tomorrow
John Powell
Hiccup makes himself a saddle and modifies a tail so that he can control it. He learns a lot about dragons and it helps him during trainings. He becomes popular
Test Drive
John Powell
Toothless and Hiccup's first really successful flight
Not So Fireproof
John Powell
Hiccup realizes that everything that the Vikings know about dragons is wrong
This Time For Sure
John Powell
Hiccup wins the last round of the training without really intending to. Astrid is mad
Astrid Goes For A Spin
John Powell
Toothless gives Astrid a hard ride until she gets so terrified that apologizes to Hiccup
Romantic Flight
John Powell
Toothless calms down at the same instant and gives them a really pleasant flight that completely charms Astrid
Dragon's Den
John Powell
After hearing that Hiccup is supposed to kill a dragon the next day Toothless takes them to their nest
The Cove
John Powell
Hiccup persuades Astrid to keep silence about the dragons' nest until he comes up with something
The Kill Ring
John Powell
During Hiccup's graduation, he throws down his weapons and tries to show everyone that dragons are not as bad as they seem. Stoick stops the battle and the dragon attacks Hiccup. Toothless rushes to save him and is pinned by the Vikings
Ready The Ships
John Powell
1h 3m
The Vikings set sail to the dragons' nest with the imprisoned Toothless as a guide, leaving Hiccup with Astrid
Battling The Green Death
John Powell
1h 11m
The giant dragon attacks, setting all the boats on fire
Counter Attack
John Powell
1h 13m
The youngsters appear at the battlefield, riding the dragons
Where's Hiccup?
John Powell
1h 20m
Stoick searches the rubble for his son, and finds Toothless has saved Hiccup by wrapping him in his wings
Coming Back Around
John Powell
1h 23m
Hiccup is welcomed back as a hero
Sticks & Stones
1h 25m
The first song played in the end credits
The Vikings Have Their Tea
John Powell
1h 28m
The second song played in the end credits
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2 years ago
Whats the song or instrument/Audio that is being played when in httyd 1") hiccup creating toothless tail called? and can you send me a link to it or can i download it somehow?
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