Fantastic Mr. Fox Soundtrack
Fantastic Mr. Fox Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
First song. Mr. Fox is standing on the top of a hill, listening to his radio/tape.
Mr. and Mrs. Fox are running and jumping over obstacles to steal the chickens. Mrs. Fox tells Mr. Fox she's pregnant when they get trapped in the cage.
Song as Mr. Fox is lying under the tree eating an apple. Ash and Kristofferson are diving into the pool.
Kristofferson asks Ash if he can move his bed, and Ash yells at him
Bunce sits oblivious in surveillance room while Mr. Fox and Kylie burgle his smokehouse
Dinner time at the Fox house, and Mr. Fox & Kylie leave early (to hit up Bean's cellar)
Mrs. Fox confronts Mr. Fox about his stealing, and demands that he quit, for the sake of the family
Bunce, Boggis and Beans are driving to the tree with their big tractors/machines. They start to dig and destroy the foxes home. The foxes dig underground.
Petey plays a song on his banjo around the campfire with a montage of Mr. Fox and his friends breaking into Bunce, Boggis and Bean.
preparing the festive dinner in Badger's Flint-Mine (refugee camp)
making toasts at the festive dinner in Badger's Flint-Mine
Mr. Fox is yelling/asking all his animal friends what skills they have when he is trying to organise a plan.
Mr. Fox gives his revised dinner toast (in the sewer)
Camera scrolls down on the different rooms where the animals are now living. Mr. Fox grabs his family and takes them up the ladder to the supermarket.
End of the movie. Mr. Fox and his friends are dancing in the supermarket.
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There's a spark between us, and I can't wait to see where it leads. f1nd me on megangoldberg_mooo_com change _ to dot
8 months ago
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