Top Gun Soundtrack
Top Gun Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
Opening Scene. Played mutilple times in the movie.
Aircrafts jetting off from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. Later in the movie, Maverick can be seen riding his motorbike alongside these planes as they take to the sky.
Maverick and Goose attend the party. Goose tells him the Iceman is the best pilot. Iceman and Maverick face off next to the bar. Maverick spots Charlie across the party.
As Maverick attempts to flirt Charlie at the bar, she instead leaves with her male companion.
Plays during the volleyball scene.
Maverick rides his motorbike to Charlie's house for their date. He pulled into the driveway and she shouted from inside, beckoning him to come in through the back door.
When Maverick is talking to Charlie about song his mom used to listen to for hours
When Maverick and Goose are playing piano in the restaurant with Goose's Family and Charlie.
Plays briefly on the jukebox while Maverick drinks a beer at the bar.
When Maverick sings the music to Charlie in the bay and while the movie credits.
Trailer Songs
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I'm trying in every way to identify the song that is heard in Top Gun 1 in the final scene in the bar. To be precise, it is heard from when the hat with the words Top Gun is framed until the coin is inserted into the jukebox. Does anyone know it?
Anto (GUEST)
2 months ago
0 replies
all I want is nothing more then you to hear you knocking at my door
Shirley (GUEST)
2 years ago
0 replies
top gun song all i want is nothing more then you knocking at my door
Shirley (GUEST)
2 years ago
0 replies
What is the song in the back ground when they are on the deck
5 years ago
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