The Sound of Music Soundtrack
The Sound of Music Soundtrack
Featured artists
Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
Maria sings on the top of the hill, finding the inspiration there
Opening titles
Morning in Nonnberg Abbey
The nuns worry about Maria who's often getting into mischief in the abbey
Maria tries to convince herself that there is nothing frightening about the Captain and his 7 children
Liesl and Rolfe's secret date in the garden
Maria comforts the children during the thunderstorm but is interrupted by the Captain
As the Captain is gone, Maria and the children spend time outdoors in Salzburg
Maria teaches the children to sing
The children sing it for the Baroness
The children and Maria perform the puppet show
The Captain sings it after the children and Maria insist upon it. Liesl joins in
The Captain asks Maria for the dance, replacing his son Kurt
The children sing it to bid goodnight to the guests
The Reverend Mother insists on Maria's return to the von Trapp family
The Captain and Maria finally reveal their love to each other
Maria advises Liesl how to get over Rolfe
The von Trapps perform at the Salzburg Music Festival
Climb Ev'ry Mountain (Reprise)
The von Trapps manage to escape and climb over the Alps into Switzerland
The von Trapps manage to escape and climb over the Alps into Switzerland
Trailer Songs
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Is the song "Domenica" sung in the movie?
6 years ago
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Name of the processional as she walks down the aisle
8 years ago
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