Rushmore Soundtrack
Rushmore Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Max's extracurricular activities that he is a part of are being shown
Max's father is introduced (shown working in his barbershop)
Herman is throwing golf balls into the pool while watching his wife and her young male friend
Herman gives Max a cheque for his research on aquarium endevours
They are all in the car. Rosemary is tutoring Max. Max and the cheerleaders are performing at the game
Max enters Rosemarys classroom and thanks her for ruining his life. He then goes and watch a fire burn
Max releases bees into Hermans room. Then Herman steals Maxs bike and runs it over. Max tampers with Hermans car brakes. Max then gets arrested
Song when Herman knocks a tree down by pulling its twigs. Max goes to work for his dad.
Max plays a tape at Rosemarys house
Song as Max is talking to Dirk while he flies a kite
Max brings Mr. Blume into the barbershop to finally meet his father
Rosemary talks to Peter after the play. Max talks to Margarets parents before introducing everyone. Max then dances with Margaret
Trailer Songs
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Top Contributors
Is there a recording or video of Carole Kings song "You Are The Best"
Bobby (GUEST)
6 months ago
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What Kinks' song was in a movie (possibly with Max Von Sydow) "Earth" or "world" were in the title.?
5 years ago
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