The Angry Birds Movie Soundtrack
The Angry Birds Movie Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
Plays when Leonard and the pigs are ready to eat the eggs before he makes his big speech.
Plays when Chuck reveals the real reason how he wound up in therapy.
Plays when Red walks home sadly after the first day of his anger management class does not go well.
Plays when Leonard is fantasizing about eating the eggs.
plays when female birds honor the pigs with special performance
Plays when the pigs are getting settled in to Bird Island as Earl (Blake Shelton) sings and does a cowboy show for the other birds.
Plays as the birds on Bird Island prepare for the day as the sun rises.
Plays when the hatchlings honor Red for sacrificing himself to defeat the pigs.
Plays during end credits of the film.
Plays when the Mighty Eagle is heading to the Pig Island.
Plays during end credits of the film.
Trailer Songs
Trailer Songs
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This Is the End

The Boss

Bad Moms

Why Him?
Top Contributors
The space between us feels like a forbidden promise. Shall we break the rules and see where it leads? f1nd me on megangoldberg_mooo_com change _ to dot
7 months ago
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The song from when Chuck and Bomb were swimming in the Lake of Wisdom it’s missing. It’s the Flower Duet one.
10 months ago
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