Milk Soundtrack
Milk Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Milk plays this on song on the record player as he makes out with Smith. They travel to San Francisco.
Milk talks about Castro district.
People are hanging out at Milk and Smith’s Castro Camera store.
Ah, Quegli Occhi! Quale Occhio Al Mondo
Maria Callas, Giuseppe Di Stefano and the Orchestra Del Teatro Alla Scala
Milk gives a lecture to Nicoletta.
Milk talks with his campaign managers.
Smith packs his things and leaves Milk.
Milk introduces his employees to their new campaign manager.
A little boy approaches Milk with a pamphlet. Continues as Kronenberg brings the newspaper endorsements.
People in the streets celebrates Milk’s victory.
Lira prepares dinner for Milk. Lira takes off his belt and they kiss.
Jones gives a speech at the party.
Jones gives a speech at the party.
Jones makes various phone calls.
People are dancing at Milk’s birthday party. Smith talks to Milk at his party.
During the Gay Freedom Day Parade.
Milk goes on stage to deliver his speech.
When Milk is shot.
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