Across the Universe Soundtrack

List of Songs
Hold Me Tight
Jim Sturgess, Evan Rachel Wood and Lisa Hogg
Jude is dancing in a club with his girlfriend, while Lucy is dancing with her boyfriend at her prom.
All My Loving - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Jim Sturgess
Jude is preparing to leave Liverpool for America.
I Want To Hold Your Hand - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
T.V. Carpio
Prudence sings this song as an aside to the head cheerleader of her high school.
With A Little Help From My Friends
Joe Anderson, Jim Sturgess and Dorm Buddies
Jude, Max, and Max's dorm buddies have a wild night that ends in them coming back to the dorm and passing out.
It Won't Be Long - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Evan Rachel Wood
Lucy and her friends sing this song while dancing in her room.
I've Just Seen A Face - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Jim Sturgess
While Jude is out with Max and Lucy, he realizes that he is attracted to the latter.
Let It Be - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Carol Woods and Timmy Mitchum
This song follows a young boy fleeing the violence that breaks out during the Chicago riots.
Come Together - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Joe Cocker and Martin Luther
This song comes on during a montage of New York City at its finest. Jojo arrives.
Why Don't We Do It In The Road
Dana Fuchs
Sadie performs in the club
If I Fell
Evan Rachel Wood
Lucy has some doubts about whether or not Jude will be faithful to her if she gives her heart to him.
I Want You (She's So Heavy)
Joe Anderson
Max faces the military draft and is processed into the military.
Prudence, depressed that Sadie has another romantic interest, locks herself in a closet.
The Secret Machines
Sadie and her future manager see the psychedelically painted bus named "Beyond" in the street.
Blue Jay Way
The Secret Machines
1h 0m
The group arrives at Dr Robert's party
I Am The Walrus - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
1h 2m
Dr. Robert hosts a psychedelic party and performs to the crowd.
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
Eddie Izzard
1h 7m
The group winds up at Mr. Kite's backyard circus act.
1h 10m
The group sings this song while laying down in a field behind Mr. Kite's commune.
Jim Sturgess
1h 14m
Song as Jude sketches sleeping naked Lucy
Oh! Darling - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Dana Fuchs and Martin Luther
1h 17m
Song as an onstage fight erupts between Sadie and Jojo as the tension between them finally reaches a breaking point.
Strawberry Fields Forever
Jim Sturgess and Joe Anderson
1h 22m
Jude and Lucy have just fought about Max, who we see is facing ugly combat in Vietnam.
Jim Sturgess
1h 28m
Jude confronts Lucy at her workplace.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Martin Luther
1h 31m
Jojo is playing this song in a seedy bar somewhere in New York.
Across The Universe - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Jim Sturgess
1h 34m
Jude sings it on the subway on his way to find Lucy at the Columbia University protests of 1968. He continues singing the refrain as the scene shifts between the protest
A Day in the Life
Jeff Beck
1h 42m
Jude, back in the Liverpool shipyards, wanders the Liverpool streets.
Happiness Is A Warm Gun - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Joe Anderson
1h 42m
While Max is hospitalized as a result of combat injury, he hallucinates.
Black Bird - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Evan Rachel Wood
1h 49m
Song as Lucy and Max sit beside a river, musing about how they\'ve lost Jude.
Hey Jude - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Joe Anderson
1h 51m
Max sings this song in a bar in New York, while Jude works tirelessly in the docks back in Liverpool.
Don't Let Me Down
Dana Fuchs
1h 54m
Sadie is singing on the roof
All You Need is Love
Jim Sturgess and Dana Fuchs
1h 58m
Jude fears that he will not be able to find Lucy in time to make amends, and he sings this song on the rooftop to get her attention.
She Loves You
Joe Anderson
1h 59m
Max inserts the refrain from this song as Lucy is revealed to be watching Jude sing from a neighboring rooftop.
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
2h 0m
Closing credits
Helter Skelter - From "Across The Universe" Soundtrack
Dana Fuchs
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Jude reminisces about Lucy being captured by the authorities. 2nd scene: Anti-war demonstration is interrupted by the police. Many protesters, including Lucy, are arrested. Pushing through the crowd to help her, Jude is also beaten and arrested.
Jim Sturgess
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Jude sings this song in the opening scene of the movie.
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