Stuck in Love Soundtrack
Stuck in Love Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
Opening credits song. In the kitchen.
Song plays in Rusty's room when he talks to his sister Samantha. He apologizes for being a dick and smoke weed on the roof.
Rusty and his friend go to a party.
Samantha is watching a live band.
Song at the bar, Louis meets Samantha and tries to stop her from talking to the lead singer of the band.
Lou and Samantha get some coffee after he steals her jacket.
Kate brings Rusty his christmas present and they have sex in the closet.
Kate and Rusty exchange christmas presents in her room.
Bill goes on a date from the website. They meet at the bar and have dinner.
Song that plays to the video game as they dance.
Rusty is listening to this when his sister finds him sleeping in the closet. He then gets beat up at the convenience store.
Song after Louis's mum dies. Samantha goes and visits her own mother.
Second song during end credits.
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Is there a cd of stuck in love?
8 years ago
0 replies
There's this one soft guitar song several times in the movie but a specific part i do remember it from was when Kate got saved and was unconcscious and Rusty had her in his arms and was crying. The song also goes into the next scene where Sam tells her dad that she knew he was having sex with that runner lady who was married. What song is that????
8 years ago
1 replies
Yup, the song is called "Kate Rescued" by Mike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcot. It's part of the original score, so it's under the soundtrack tab.
8 years ago