The Spectacular Now Soundtrack
The Spectacular Now Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
Playing in Sutters car when Cassidy drives up from behind and breaks up with him. (1:05) Sutter plays this song on the jukebox as he talks with his father at the pub.
Sutter pours alcohol from his flask into the soda cup at his job.
Song at the party by the water. Sutter introduces Aimee to his friends as he talks with Cassidy.
Marcus confronts Sutter at his work about him and Cassidy.
Plays as Sutter and Aimee walks into prom. Amiee allows Sutter to dance with Cassidy.
Sutter dances with Amiee at the prom, he tells her how happy he is with her.
Amiee talks with Sutter outside the prom about her plans on moving to Philadelphia.
Sutter's father takes him and Amy to the pub. He introduces them to his girlfriend.
Sutter and Amiee sit at a booth with Sutter’s father as he talks with Sutter about his time at Key West.
Plays in Aimee’s room as Sutter apologizes for the incident.
Sutter talks with the bar patrons about leaving Aimee at the bus stop and how it was for her own good.
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Who sang "the Rose" during the closing credits of The Spectacular Now? The song is not listed as it did not play during the movie… Thank you!
8 years ago
2 replies
this is it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_663470&feature=iv&src_vid=FcdOLKx2XG8&v=ZPxQYhGpdvg
8 years ago
The song during the credits is Song for Zula by Phosphorecent
8 years ago