The Last Stand Soundtrack

List of Songs
Blue Moon Revisited (Song for Elvis)
Cowboy Junkies
First song as the cop sits in his car on the highway as a speeding car goes past.
I'll Pretend
Glenn Morris
Song plays in the cop car as they pull up to Mr. Parsons farm.
I Ain't Superstitious
1h 39m
First song during end credits.
Angel from Heaven
Paul Craig
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7 months ago
The moonlight is beautiful, but it pales in comparison to the desire burning in your eyes. Let's see if we can turn up the heat a little... with a touch that fuels something unforgettable. f1nd me on megangoldberg_mooo_com change _ to dot
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mark matejic (GUEST)
2 years ago
What is the name of the blues rock song during credits,end of movie?who preforms it?
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Ringer2 (GUEST)
2 years ago
What is the title of the tune the band plays at 1:44. Many thanks
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