Everything Must Go Soundtrack

List of Songs
I Got My Eyes On You
John Lee Hooker & Canned Heat
First song during opening credits as Nicholas gets fired.
Puñalada Al Corazon
Xocoyotzin Herrera
Song in the convenience store as Nicholas buys beers after he gets fired.
It's Gonna Be Easy
Doug Sahm
Song plays in Nick\'s car as he drives home to find all his stuff on the front lawn.
Baby, I'm In The Mood For You
Nick sits on his front yard, drinking beer as his neighbours look on.
I Like To Boogie
Lightnin' Hopkins
Nick is listening to this record, when a girl asks to buy his rotisserie.
Railroad Bill
Ramblin' Jack Elliott
Nick plays catch with Kenny in the street before running across the street to give the polaroid camera to Samantha.
Before the Next Teardrop Falls
Freddy Fender
Nick looks through his year book from high school.
I Shall Be Released
The Band
1h 32m
Song plays at the end of the movie as Nick hugs Samantha. Plays into the end credits.
Three Six Five
Paz Lenchantin
1h 34m
Second song during end credits.
Auspicious Locations
Melissa Holding
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Ain't It Crazy
Lightnin' Hopkins
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Traigo Montuno
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El Amor Que Sone
Los Texas Wranglers
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7 months ago
Can I feel your touch again? It lingers on my skin like a promise. f1nd me on megangoldberg_mooo_com change _ to dot
0 replies
8 years ago
Really been struggling to find the song playing for the fish in the pond. Can anyone help?
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8 years ago
who plays the guitar music that is played at intervals throughout the movie and also at the end with the trailers?
3 replies
4 years ago
I found it so I hope you find this reply. The composer is David Torn and the song is "Who Are You Fighting". https://www.music.film/album/MTM5MzM4LWQ5NWZlNA/ That's a link to I believe all the unlisted songs from the soundtrack. Enjoy
7 years ago
I think it might be Vlatko Stefanovski, this one https://youtu.be/0ZHVrp90PgI
7 years ago
Hi juevans, did you ever manage to find out? I’d love to know - it’s incredible music!
8 years ago
Does anybody know the song or the author of the song playing in the background while Nick says goodbye to Kenny near the end? It's a really short piece with guitar and a piano. Can't find it anywhere.
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8 years ago
Can anyone one help me find the name of the guitar music when Nick is watching the home video of him playing catch with his father? Around 51:30 into the BRRip version... Thank you! Its driving me mad
2 replies
4 years ago
I found it so I hope you find this reply. The composer is David Torn and the song is "Who Are You Fighting". https://www.music.film/album/MTM5MzM4LWQ5NWZlNA/ That's a link to I believe all the unlisted songs from the soundtrack. Enjoy
7 years ago
I think it might be Vlatko Stefanovski, this one https://youtu.be/0ZHVrp90PgI