South Park: The End Of Obesity Soundtrack

List of Songs
A Good Day
Marcie Joy
When Shelly gets ready to go school.
Family Affair
Mary J. Blige
At Laura Tucker's house - Craig mom - they new 'Hot Girl Era' moms have a drugs and chat lunch party when Randy arrives with his own appetizer drugs.
Cry Little Sister (Remixed + Remastered)
G Tom Mac
At the moms suggestion Randy indulges in weight-loss drugs with them.
It's My Life What Ever I Wanna Do
Vennu Mallesh
Montage; the boys go on a missions to collect and create the necessary ingredients to make obesity shots for Cartman; Cartman pictures himself thin; Randy attends more weight-loss drug parties.
Whiskey Bent And Hell Bound
Hank Williams, Jr.
The MILF moms and Randy rob a Glutpharm Labs truck fill with semaglutides.
Free Ride
The Edgar Winter Group
Montage as Cartman catches up on all things he wanted to do when he is skinny now that his friends and classmates have decided not the be critical of obesity.
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7 months ago
Trace your fingers along my spine, ignite every hidden desire. f1nd me on megangoldberg_mooo_com change _ to dot
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Chris Cornelius (GUEST)
9 months ago
What song is playing at the beginning when Shelly is getting around for school? The lyrics are, “feels like it’s going to be a good day”
2 replies
Marcie (GUEST)
9 months ago
The vocals are by Marcie. Long time composer Jamie Dunlap made the music and the full version will be released soon.
Marcie (GUEST)
7 months ago
The song is out now!! It’s called A Good Day- by Marcie Joy