Furioza Soundtrack
Furioza Soundtrack
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This is the opening scene. A group of outcasts assaults a few train patrons.
The ring combat gets underway.
Dzika discusses the crime squad with Bauer at the police station.
After Dawid departs his relatives' house, Dzika recalls an incident where she and her ex-boyfriend were still together on the beach.
Dawid battle alongside the others; Furioza prevails, and Dawid sticks around to tend to the wounded.
Dawid battle alongside the others; Furioza prevails, and Dawid sticks around to tend to the wounded.
The song can be heard when Dzika is waiting for Bauer in the car when he returns.
Following Mrówka's release, the drug trade continues. The song continues at the moment Mrówka finds his hiding place. This is also the second end credits song.
Dawid begins working out with the punching bag as he remembers the brawl on the subway that ended with Daro's death.
Dzika asks her informants for further details about Mrówka.
Football is being played on the field by Mrówka and his guys while the police move in and arrest the goons.
Dzika goes around the police station interviewing people regarding Gray's killing.
Dzika waits for Dawid on the steps, and the two of them have a kiss before engaging in sexual activity.
They party in the gym following the Furioza fight on the train.
Golden and Kaszub discover they were set up.
Kaszub invites the lads to select a side.
At a pub, Dawid runs into Dzika, who informs him that they bugged Golden's phone.
When the blonde nude girl notices the car coming, she starts to feel excited and rushes to wake up Golden.
Golden provides the police with all the information on the narcotics trade.
Golden to a bar and gets stoned; Dawis continues his training and later meets Dzika, with whom he watches a security camera film.
At the very end, after the hooligans have stabbed Dawid, he is watching the horizon. This is the first song played at the end credits.
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