Players Soundtrack
Players Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
This is the opening theme.
This is the opening song.
Max sleeps with her next-door neighbor.
Mack and her pals are staring at Nick in the bar.
Mack makes an effort to get Nick's attention.
Mack and Nick start dating.
Mack is in Brooklyn Bridge Park with her pals, looking for Nick.
Ashley plays sick in front of Nick at the park.
After Nick extends an invitation to a formal date, Mack and her friends celebrate at the bar.
Adam receives a text from Mack while he and his girlfriend are brushing their teeth.
Mack meets her buddies at the pub after leaving Nick's place.
Mack arrives to the gathering with her buddies.
Mack had a conversation with her employer at work.
Adam and Mack are making love.
This is the end credits song.
Trailer Songs
Trailer Songs
No trailer songs found.
Top Contributors
Do you know the song that plays when Mack makes an effort to get Nick’s attention?
Tippy (GUEST)
a year ago
0 replies
Can you tell me the song that was playing when Max sleeps with her next-door neighbor?
Yelena (GUEST)
a year ago
0 replies
I’m curious, what’s the song that plays when Mack quickly makes her way home?
a year ago
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