How the Gringo Stole Christmas Soundtrack
List of Songs
Jingle Bells
Ale Rojas
This is the opening credits.
Mi Ghetto
Jian Xavier Salas
After parking, Bennie strikes up a conversation with the three males outside his home.
Dulce Como Sandia
Jian Xavier Salas
Leif wants Gabby to show him how to dance salsa.
Jingle Bells
Ale Rojas
Bennie awakens from his nightmare.Bennie awakens from his nightmare.
Heart Breaking
1h 0m
Leif bids Gabbi farewell and packs his bags before leaving Bennie's residence.
Dulce Como Sandia
Jian Xavier Salas
1h 14m
At the celebration, the entire family dances. This song played during the credits.
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4 months ago
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