Funny Games Soundtrack

List of Songs
Atalanta, HWV 35, Act I: Arioso: Care selve, ombre beate
George Frideric Handel
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Cavalleria rusticana: Tu qui, Santuzza?
Renata Tebaldi
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Naked City
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Played at least three times in the movie, which are the opening credits, the scene of Paul finding Georgie and the end credits song
Naked City
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Song is edited in the movie to be mixed with the song “Bonehead” which was also played at least 3 times in the same scenes.
Walking in the Rain
Tony Kinsey
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All to Myself
Sophie Delila and Xavier Jamaux
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59 Miles to Jacksonville
Donald S. Seigal
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Trailer Songs
In The Hall Of The Mountain King
Edvard Grieg
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C'mon, there's no such thing as a stupid question. Get the ball rolling and be the first.