Maestro Soundtrack
Maestro Soundtrack
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Songs Timeline
Songs Timeline
Symphonic Suite from On the Waterfront / Manfred, Op. 115: Overture / Fancy Free: Var. 1 (Galop)
Leonard Bernstein
The song played following the introduction of Leonard on stage.
Felicia and Leonard meet at the party. This song is sung by a woman, and he plays the piano.
Leonard and Felicia board the bus after leaving the celebration.
Fancy Free: Enter Three Sailors / Fancy Free: Var. 3 (Danzon) / On the Town: New York, New York
Leonard Bernstein
Seated in the front row, Leonard and Felicia enjoy the performance.
Playing in the garden with their children is Leonard and Felicia. They dance at a party together in the following scene.
In front of the house, Leonard parks his vehicle. He goes to the pool with his pals.
Felicia appears live on television.
In a church, Leonard leads the orchestra.
Leonard puffs on a cigarette and looks out to sea.
Leonard parks the car and dashes to the rehearsal building as music plays on the radio.
Leonard sits down and hands the orchestra off to one of the students.
Leonard dances at a party with one of his students following rehearsals.
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welche Musik wird beim Abspann als letztes gespielt
Markus Kausch (GUEST)
a year ago
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